Class information

BA131 Intro to Business Technology

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  • CRN: 20043
  • Credits: 4
  • Locations, days, times, and instructors:
    • Online, Available 24/7
      From March 31 through June 14, 2025, Paul A Wheatcraft

Class materials


Find out which textbooks are required for this class.

Details about this class

  • This is a 100% online class.
  • Each chapter has a lecture presentation hosted on the course website.
  • Contained in the video presentation is a slide that provides the password that is required to unlock the appropriate chapter quiz.
  • Each week has one or more assignments in addition to the textbook chapter and quiz.
  • Late assignments will not be accepted except under extraordinary conditions.


  • Microsoft Office or equivalent. You must be able to save files as doc, docx, or pdf format.
  • Firefox, Chrome, or Safari browser
  • You must be able to work with documents and upload files to Assignments in D2L.
  • To be successful in this class, you will need access to a computer/laptop with a modern operating system and a supported web browser. You will not be able to succeed in this class using only a smartphone.
  • In order to engage with the instructor and other students, you should have a video camera available to use with your laptop, desktop, or tablet.


No show policy

Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class. It is important to log in as soon as the class starts to see what the participation requirements are.

Online and remote teaching technical requirements

Please be sure to read the quick guide to Online Learning technical requirements.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.

Online prerequisite: Start Guide for Online Learning

Before you take your first online class at PCC, you must complete the start guide for online learning. The start guide will help you decide if online classes are right for you. Once you complete the start guide, you will be eligible to register for online classes.

The Start Guide is not required for remote classes but strongly recommended.