Class information
BA206 Management Fundamentals
- CRN: 20283
- Credits: 3
- Locations, days, times, and instructors:
- Online, Available 24/7
From March 31 through June 14, 2025, Maureen Wright
- Online, Available 24/7
Details about this class
I look forward to working with you this term! My approach may differ from some of your other past courses. As a full-time District faculty member, I serve as your facilitator, guide, and subject matter expert for this course. I do my best to create a positive learning environment and helpful learning activities.
This is a fully online class (100 % web-based course) without any set or required meeting times for your involvement. Consequently, you need to login 3 different days per week. For example, discussions require interactions among our class members. Interactions build our community of learning. Other reasons for more frequent logins include the need to check the announcements page, to track any potential adjustments to your work-assignments, or changes to the tentative course calendar.
Do your academic work when it fits your schedule. Your work is due at 10 p.m., Fridays.
This course delivers a variety of teaching strategies and techniques effective with all kinds of learners. Your persistence, investment, efforts, time-management skills, and use of College resources (including me and the College tutors) ensure your success. With that kind of a growth mindset, you soon can be “there”; although you may not be “there yet.” Learning and true understanding compound. It takes time.
Emails work well whenever you want to reach me. Optional live Zoom meetings or telephone conversations can be scheduled during my office hours, at other mutually convenient times and outside of normal business hours. Scheduling can be really challenging, because of all the different scheduling needs. Again, emails may be the most efficient method for your communication-needs and your schedule. Do whatever best meets your needs.
There is no additional technology required for this class.
No show policy
Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class. It is important to log in as soon as the class starts to see what the participation requirements are.
Online and remote teaching technical requirements
Please be sure to read the quick guide to Online Learning technical requirements.
Students with disabilities
Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.
Online prerequisite: Start Guide for Online Learning
Before you take your first online class at PCC, you must complete the start guide for online learning. The start guide will help you decide if online classes are right for you. Once you complete the start guide, you will be eligible to register for online classes.
The Start Guide is not required for remote classes but strongly recommended.