Class information
BA213 Managerial Acct (BA213=213Z)
- CRN: 20103
- Credits: 4
- Locations, days, times, and instructors:
- Online, Available 24/7
From March 31 through June 14, 2025, Teresa S Langford - Rock Creek BLDG2 121, TuTuesday, from 10 to 11:50am
From April 1 through June 10, 2025, Teresa S Langford
- Online, Available 24/7
Details about this class
Learn how to make better decisions about the money and learn how to run the business.
Our lecture is delivered on Tuesdays at 10:00 -11:50 AM at Rock Creek campus with a synchronous online Zoom session.
Live online office hours are available weekly (optional).
Course materials and learning activities are available for access via D2L course and Pearson My Lab Accounting course the first day of the term.
- Our course uses an electronic version of the textbook which is included in the cost of the tuition fee.
- “Managerial Accounting (Braun & Tietz, 2020). 6th edition. Pearson.
- e-Textbook is available on the first day of the term after accessing the MyLab Accounting course.
- Students do not need to purchase a textbook and access code from the PCC Bookstore.
Instructions to create an account in Pearson and accessing the MyLab Accounting course will be available on the first day of the term via D2L.
Course syllabus will be emailed to registered students before the first day of the term.
Any questions? Email Teresa at
Thank you.
- Access to computer and internet
- Require a desktop or laptop computer to access the online homework system and eText.
- Popup blockers on browser need to be turned off
- Access to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF Reader
No show policy
Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class. It is important to log in as soon as the class starts to see what the participation requirements are.
Online and remote teaching technical requirements
Please be sure to read the quick guide to Online Learning technical requirements.
Students with disabilities
Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.
Online prerequisite: Start Guide for Online Learning
Before you take your first online class at PCC, you must complete the start guide for online learning. The start guide will help you decide if online classes are right for you. Once you complete the start guide, you will be eligible to register for online classes.
The Start Guide is not required for remote classes but strongly recommended.