Class information
BA289 Marketing Capstone
- CRN: 21283
- Credits: 3
- Locations, days, times, and instructors:
- Sylvania TCB 208, MWMonday and Wednesday, from 10 to 11:20am
From March 31 through April 2, 2025, Heather L Griffo - Remote, MWMonday and Wednesday, from 10 to 11:20am
From March 31 through June 14, 2025, Heather L Griffo - Sylvania TCB 208, WWednesday, from 10 to 11:20am
April 30, 2025, Heather L Griffo - Sylvania TCB 208, WWednesday, from 10 to 11:20am
June 4, 2025, Heather L Griffo - Sylvania TCB 208, MMonday, from 10 to 11:20am
June 9, 2025, Heather L Griffo
- Sylvania TCB 208, MWMonday and Wednesday, from 10 to 11:20am
Class materials
No textbooks required
Details about this class
Students will apply the marketing knowledge they have developed throughout the program by working on a course long case study. Some elements of the case study will be completed in teams and some elements will be completed individually. In class, there will be some review of marketing concepts and tools, discussions, guest speakers, and opportunities for project teams to work with the instructor.
This course meets on MW 10:00-11:20AM. The class will meet in person at Sylvania campus on the following days:
- March 31
- April 2
- April 30
- June 4
- June 9
The remaining class sessions will be held remotely on Zoom.
This course has both in-person and remote elements. For remote class sessions, students are required to use their camera during class to support your engagement and active participation. If you have any concerns or specific academic accommodations about using your camera during class, please contact me via email and/or talk to me during office hours. We will work together to determine the best approach to addressing your concerns and ensuring your engagement and participation.
Students will need to use Microsoft Office for assignments.
No show policy
Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class.
Students with disabilities
Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.