Class information

BI101 Biology I

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  • CRN: 20522
  • Credits: 4
  • Locations, days, times, and instructors:
    • Remote, Monday, from 6 to 8:50pm
      From March 31 through June 9, 2025, Miguel A Estrada
    • Cascade JH 108, Wednesday, from 6 to 8:50pm
      From April 2 through June 11, 2025, Miguel A Estrada

Class materials


Find out which textbooks are required for this class.

Details about this class

IMPORTANT... IMPORTANT: Please note the scheduled time and MAKE SURE your personal or professional schedule Does NOT clash with the Lecture and Lab Schedule. 



WELCOME to Our Bio 101!
This is a Remote-Lectures and In-Person LABS course!
Note that The syllabus provided will include information for the lectures and the Laboratories!

Course Description: This Biology course Introduces the properties of life, morphology and physiology of cells, cell chemistry, energy transformation, and the basic principles of ecology. Designed as a laboratory science course for non-biology majors. Audit available
Prerequisite: WR 115, RD 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement test scores.
Class web page: Announcements, lecture notes and videos will be posted on the class web page (D2L).

ATTENDANCE: This course is Synchronous course (that is, we meet at scheduled times for the LECTURES and LABS), additionally, the attendance to the Lectures and Labs is Required.

The required text for lecture is Biology: Life on Earth, 12th Edition (PCC Edition, found at PCC's Cascade Bookstore) by T. Audesirk, G. Audesirk and B.E. Byers, Pearson Ed. Inc.

IMPORTANT NOTE  --WORK AHEAD: This is a science course, and science courses like this one will require at least 6 Hours of work outside the lecture and lab hours, especially if you have not taken a science course in a while.

The Current Lecture Portion of the Course is a SYNCHRONOUS* Remote Course:
Lecture Component:
---We start the Lecture with a short video meeting via PCC's D2L Online Rooms (Zoom), and afterwards
---We move to a CHAT facility (text-only). At this location we conduct most interactions, from there we will watch video lectures while we participate answering and asking questions. You must participate in the CHAT to be considered as present in class.

We meet IN PERSON at the Cascade Campus.

Details for the Lecture and Labs will be provided during our first Lecture and Lab meeting!

* NOTE: Synchronous means that you need to attend at the scheduled times.


Example of a Lecture Schedule:

Week / Textbook Chapter / Topics
1           Ch 1                           Introduction to Biology
2           Ch 2                           Atoms, Molecules, and Water
3           Ch 3                           Biological Molecules and the structure of DNA
4           Ch 4                           The Origin of Life, Cell Structure and Function
5           Ch 5, 6                       Cell Membrane Structure and Function and Energy Flow
6           Ch 7, 8                       Photosynthesis and Harvesting Energy
7           Ch 15                         Evolution and Systematics Review
8           Ch 27                         Population Growth
9           Ch28,29                     Community Interactions, Nutrient Cycling
10        Ch30,31                      Ecosystems & Conserving Earth’s Biodiversity


Example of the Lab Schedule:

Week / Topic
1           Scientific Method (Lab 1)
2           Measurement & Ecosystem (Lab 2)
3           Atoms, Molecules, Water & pH (Lab 3)
4           Cells (Lab 4)
5           Enzymes, Diffusion and Osmosis (Lab 5)
6           Photosynthesis / Respiration (Lab 6)
7           Populations (Lab 7)
8           Community Interactions (Lab 8)
9           Food Webs (Lab 09)
10         Global Change (Lab 10)


No show policy

Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.