College Success and Career Guidance

Campus contacts [opens in new window]

College Transfer Elective Courses

CG 100
College Survival and Success
CG 101
Col.Surv & Success: Pers. Resp
CG 102
Col. Surv & Success:Goal Set.
CG 105
Scholarships: $$ for College
CG 111
Study Skills/College Learning
CG 112
Managing Test Anxiety
CG 114
Financial Survival
CG 130
Today's Careers
CG 130H
Intro Today's Careers: Health
CG 140A
Career and Life Planning
CG 144
Intro to Assertiveness
CG 145
Stress Management
CG 147
Decision Making
CG 191
Exploring Identity & Diversity
CG 209
Job Finding Skills
CG 225
Trans to a Four Year College

Cooperative Education - CG 280A (1-4 credits)

Students earn credit for learning from practical experience at a worksite related to their major or career goal. Appropriate work experiences provide opportunities for new learning and skill development. This course may be repeated up to 12 credits. Beneficial for students who are enrolled in: courses leading to a four-year degree; a General Studies degree; a career program that does not offer Cooperative Education; high school completion, dual credit, or early college program.

For more information or to register for CG280A, please contact:

- Rock Creek: Haydee Goldenberg [opens in new window] or 971-722-7335

- Southeast: Jen Poinar - [opens in new window] or 971-722-6059

- Sylvania: George Knox - [opens in new window] or 971-722-4475

CG 280A
CE: Career Development

Transiciones Oeste - Rock Creek Campus

Transiciones Oeste es un programa del desarrollo y planificacion vocacional para madres solteras y amas de casa que han sido desplazadas de su empleo. El programa es gratis. Transiciones Oeste esta localizado en el campus Rock Creek de Portland Community College (PCC). El autoestima, la toma de decisiones, la planificacion vocacional y en como las habilidades de la vida son temas del programa. Transiciones Oeste ayuda a las mujeres con la transicion a una educacion superior y/o a la fuerza de laboral. Para mas informacion llame a la Alicia Gonzalez al 971-722-7437 [opens in new window]

TRIO SSS Program - Cascade

The TRIO SSS Program provides success based services to students who are low-income, first generation, or who have a documented disability. Eligible students receive free tuition for 3 program classes, a total of 7 credits. TRIO services include individualized academic advising, financial aid advocacy, assistance with scholarship searches, and math and writing tutoring. For more information, visit, stop by the TRIO office at Cascade SSB 301, or call the office at 971-722-5752.