Welding Technology

Campus contacts

Welding Technology classes are offered in open entry, open exit format. Program advising and department approval are required before registering for classes. Please visit www.pcc.edu/weld for program entry requirements.

An additional fee of $12.00 per credit hour will be charged for all shop welding classes.

Rock Creek Campus

Classes are held in Building 2 Weld Shop Room 132.

Rock Creek welding classes are held Monday - Thursday:

Mornings 7:00 am to noon

Afternoons Noon to 5:00 pm

Evenings 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm

OMIC Training Center

Classes are held at 34001 NE Wagner Ct, Scappoose, OR 97056.

AAS Degree course offerings in an open-entry, open-exit instructional format 4-9pm Monday-Thursdays

Swan Island

Classes are held at Swan Island Ship Repair Yard at Vigor Industrial Welding Training Center, 5555 N Channel Ave, Portland.

Maritime Career Pathway classes: 7am- 12(noon) Mondays-Thursdays

AAS Degree course offerings in an open-entry, open-exit instructional format: 5pm - 9:50pm Monday - Thursdays

Please visit www.pcc.edu/weld for program entry requirements for this location.

Newberg High School

Temporarily closed due to major remodel of the weld shop at Newberg High School.

Welding Lecture Courses

WLD 102
Blueprint Reading

Welding Shop Courses

WLD 111
SMAW:(E7024) & Oxy-acetylene
WLD 112
SMAW: Mild Steel I (E7018)
WLD 113
SMAW: Mild Steel II (E7018)
WLD 114
SMAW: Mild Steel III (E6011)
WLD 115
SMAW: Mild Steel IV (E6011)
WLD 116A
Beg Shielded Metal Arc Welding
WLD 116B
Basic Welding Practice
WLD 126A
Beg Gas Tung Arc Weld Heliarc
WLD 126B
Basic Gas Tung Arc Weld
WLD 131
Gas Metal Arc Welding
WLD 132
Gas Metal Arc Welding-Pulse
WLD 136A
Beginning Wire Welding
WLD 136B
Basic Wire Welding
WLD 141
FCAW I (Gas Shielded)
WLD 142
FCAW II (Self Shielding)
WLD 146A
Beg Pipe Welding Practice
WLD 146B
Basic Pipe Welding Practice
WLD 151
SMAW Cer Prac:Unlim Thk Mld St
WLD 152
FCAW-G Cert. Practice
WLD 153
FCAW-S Cert. Practice
WLD 156A
Beg Oxy-Acetylene Weld Prac
WLD 156B
Basic Oxy-Acetylene Weld Prac
WLD 166A
Beg Weld Pract Metal Sculpting
WLD 166B
Basic Weld Prac Metal Sculpt
WLD 176A
Beg Fabrication Welding Pract
WLD 176B
Basic Fab Weld Practice
WLD 186A
Beg Certification Welding Prac
WLD 186B
Basic Cert Welding Practice
WLD 190A
Beginning Welding Practice
WLD 190B
Basic Welding Practice
WLD 190C
Intermediate Welding Practice
WLD 193
Maritime Fabrication I
WLD 194
Maritime Fabrication II
WLD 195
Maritime Weld Cert Practice
WLD 211
ACR Welding Aluminum
WLD 216
Misc Electrodes & Adv Position
WLD 216A
Intermediate Welding Practice
WLD 216B
Adv Metal Arc Welding
WLD 221
GTAW: Mild Steel
WLD 222
GTAW: Aluminum
WLD 223
GTAW: Stainless Steel
WLD 224
GTAW: (Mild Steel) Pipe I
WLD 225
GTAW: (Mild Steel) Pipe II
WLD 226A
Int Gas Tung Arc Welding
WLD 226B
Adv Gas Tung Arc Weld
WLD 236A
Intermediate Wire Welding
WLD 236B
Advanced Wire Welding
WLD 246A
Intermediate Pipe Welding Prac
WLD 246B
Advanced Pipe Welding Practice
WLD 253
SMAW Cert Prac 3/8" MS (E6011)
WLD 254
SMAW Cert Prac 3/8" MS (E7018)
WLD 256
Prep for Pipe Certification I
WLD 256A
Int Oxy-Acetylene Welding Prac
WLD 256B
Adv Oxy-Acetylene Welding
WLD 257
Prep for Pipe Certification II
WLD 260
Beginning Fabrication
WLD 261
Basic Fabrication
WLD 262
Intermediate Fabrication
WLD 263
Welding Technology-Capstone
WLD 266A
Int Weld Prac Metal Sculpt
WLD 266B
Adv Weld Prac Metal Sculpt
WLD 271
Oxy-acetylene Welding Projects
WLD 276A
Int Fabrication Weld Prac
WLD 276B
Adv Fab Welding Practice
WLD 286A
Int Cert Welding Practice
WLD 286B
Adv Cert Welding Practice
WLD 290
Submerged Arc Welding