Aviation Maintenance Technology
The Aviation Maintenance Technology Program operates on an 18-day modular class structure, with new students starting in Fall or Winter term. Most classes are scheduled from 7 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday. The required practicum classes for each rating (airframe or powerplant) are offered in the early afternoon.
Please visit www.pcc.edu/amt for additional information.
Module One: Sep 23 - Oct 17
Module Two: Oct 18 - Nov 15
Module Three: Nov 18 - Dec 13
- AMT 101
- Introduction to AMT
- AMT 216
- AMT Practicum/Airframe
- AMT 225
- AMT Practicum/Powerplant
Module One: Jan. 06 - Jan. 30
- AMT 102
- Aircraft Electricity I
- AMT 106
- Aircraft Applied Science
- AMT 124
- Fuel Metering Systems
- AMT 212
- Sheet Metal
- AMT 222
- Reciprocating Engine Overhaul
Module Two: Jan. 31 - Feb. 25
- AMT 105
- Aviation CFR & Related Subject
- AMT 115
- Aircraft Struc & Inspection
- AMT 121
- Turbine Engine Theory & Maint
- AMT 203
- Aircraft Electricity II
- AMT 218
- Powerplant Inspection
Module Three: Feb. 26 - Mar. 21
- AMT 107
- Materials & Processes
- AMT 117
- Recipr Engine Theory & Maint
- AMT 204
- Aircraft Electricity III
- AMT 219
- Turbine Engine Overhaul