Business Builders

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Business Builders gives you the training, resources and support you need to develop, start and grow a business towards adaptability, resilience, and profitability.

Develop, Start, and Grow your business with confidence.

List of classes for SBD9352 Business Builders
CRNClass typeLocationDays & timeDatesSeats availableMore info
13545RemoteNot applicable
from 9am to 12pm

From January 16 through April 3, 2025
Instructor: Kayla Banda
Tuition: $899 Fees: $0

Class schedule definitions

Write down the CRNs (ex. 22398) of your selected classes to register.
Class types:
see more about class types
  • In-person: classes take place at specific times and locations. Attendance in person is required.
  • Online: classes do not have meeting times. Regular online interaction is required and there are weekly assignments.
  • Remote: classes take place at specific times online. Students must be logged in during class meeting times.
  • In-person and remote: classes meet both in-person and remotely. Attendance at both is required.
  • In-person and online: classes meet in-person with additional online activities required.
  • Remote and online: classes meet remotely with additional online activities required.