Class information

CH223 General Chemistry III

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  • CRN: 12984
  • Credits: 5
  • Locations, days, times, and instructors:

Class materials


Find out which textbooks are required for this class.

Details about this class

The course lab and part of the lecture will be delivered in person and the other part of the lecture will be delivered remotely via Zoom. Students will need to attend all sessions of the course. 

The in person portion of this course will be held at the Cascade Campus in North Portland.  Students will need to attend the lab section and in person lecture section at the Cascade campus. There are no remote labs for this course.  Students will work in pairs during the lab and share materials. This section of CH223 requires students to complete an individual research project, most of this work will be done outside of class time. 

The lecture portion of the class will be split between Monday and Wednesday evenings. There will be one 50-minute IN-PERSON session starting at 6pm prior to the start of the 3 hour IN-PERSON laboratory meeting on Monday evenings.The remaining lecture will meet remotely via Zoom on Wednesday evenings 6-8:50pm. Students need to plan to be physically on campus from 6-10pm on Mondays and logged into zoom on Wednesdays for the entire time.  

Lectures will be interactive and designed to help learning and measure understanding.  This information will be used to guide the speed of content and delivery methods.  Therefore student participation both in person and remotely will be key to instruction. CH 223 is a very content intense class so at times there may be pre-recorded lectures for students to view before attending each class so that each session together we can concentrate on problem solving and applying our understanding of these concepts. 

Textbook: Chemistry: An Atoms Focused Approach, 3rd Ed - the same textbook which is used for CH 221, CH 222, and CH 223 at Cascade will be used for this course. You need to make sure that you have access to the Smartwork homework system with the textbook.  You may wait to purchase this until the first week of class.

Students will be responsible for printing the necessary pages of the CH 223 lab manual each week. Electronic files will be provided on our D2L page.  Safety goggles are also required and are available to borrow in the laboratory (they are sanitized between lab periods). If students do not wish to buy their own these are available in the bookstore. 

The instructor will hold office hours during the week to support students. The day and time for these hours will be determined the during the first week of class.

The final exam will be IN-PERSON on Monday March 17th 6-7:50pm. Please plan accordingly. 

All other exams will be given in-person during the Monday on campus class meeting before the laboratory session. (tentative dates will be available in the course syllabus at the start of the term). The syllabus will be sent out to students registered for this class at least 1 week before the term begins. 

If you have any questions please contact the instructor via email.


Some of the class content will be delivered via D2L and online homework is required, an internet connection is required. A webcam is not required. 

Homework will be completed using Norton Smartwork. Students will need to purchase access to this platform. Please wait for the syllabus or talk to the instructor before purchasing.

Wednesday class sessions will be held remotely via Zoom 6-8:50pm. Students need to plan to be in attendance for the Zoom meetings each Wednesday. Attendance and participation are factored into the course grade.

No show policy

Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.