Electronic Engineering Technology

Campus contacts [opens in new window]

EET 100A
Math for EET
EET 100D
Intro to Computers/Networking
EET 101A
Elect. Lab Skills and Equip. 1
EET 101B
Elect. Lab Skills and Equip. 2
EET 111
Elec Circuit Analysis I
EET 112
Elec Circuit Analysis II
EET 121
Digital Systems 1
EET 122
Digital Systems 2
EET 188
Industrial Safety
EET 241
Adv Microcontrollers/Embed Sys
EET 256A
EET Capstone Project 1
EET 261
Medical Imaging Equipment
EET 263
PLC Fundamentals
EET 280A
CE:Electronic Engineering Tech
EET 280C
CE: BMET Practicum

Professional Development and Continuing Education

Courses for professionals seeking to enhance skills, renew licenses, or gain job training. These non-credit courses are not financial aid eligible.

CEU 3421
Critical Elements of Customer Service