Health Information Management

Campus contacts

PCC's Health Information Management program is offered completely online. The HIM program trains students to become experts in the ever-growing, patient health data management field; eventually working in a variety of health care settings. Graduates of the program are eligible to take the national certification examination, allowing you to become a professionally recognized RHIT (Registered Health Information Technician).

The program is limited to students officially accepted into the program, after all requirements are met. Please visit the HIM program website, for more information, requirements, orientation dates and application process.

HIM 110
Health Record Content in Acute
HIM 120
Health Record Content Acut Lab
HIM 129
A & P for Health Info Mgmt 2
HIM 182
Healthcare Delivery Systems
HIM 261
Professional Practice Lab 2
HIM 275
CPT Coding
HIM 281
Data Management & Analysis
HIM 282
Healthcare Statistics
HIM 285
HC Financing & Compliance