
Campus contacts

The MM Program is designed to provide a broad overview of the skills required for employment in the creative services industry. Note: MM students must have strong Mac or Windows computer skills. If you have questions about a waitlist or you would like an override, email or call 971.722.5398. For more information on the program see the MM website

MM 112
Digital Media Foundations
MM 114
Visual Storytelling
MM 116
DIY Video
MM 125
Video Industry Survey
MM 129
Sound Production
MM 142
Intro to Augmented Reality
MM 146
Directing Actors for Recording
MM 215
Intro- Stop Motion Animation
MM 216
Puppet Fabrication
MM 220
Multimedia Design II
MM 225
Game Art Pipeline
MM 228
360/VR Filmmaking
MM 230
Graphics for Multimedia
MM 231
2D Animation
MM 233
3D Character Model & Animation
MM 235
Video Editing
MM 236
Digital Media Distribution
MM 243
Game Design & Interact Media 2
MM 246
Post-Production Sound
MM 250
Advanced Multimedia Project
MM 258
Advanced Video Compositing
MM 259
MM 260
Video Foundations
MM 262
Documentary Production
MM 280
CE: Work Experienc/Multimedia
MM 284
Portfolio Development