Class information
MM230 Graphics for Multimedia
- CRN: 12512
- Credits: 4
- Locations, days, times, and instructors:
- Cascade MAHB 217, TuThTuesday and Thursday, from 10am to 12:50pm
From January 7 through March 20, 2025, Beth P Fitzgerald
- Cascade MAHB 217, TuThTuesday and Thursday, from 10am to 12:50pm
Class materials
No textbooks required
Details about this class
We will be meeting in person for 2-three-hour sessions per week- for 11 weeks at Cascade Campus MAHB217
This course will also be using Zoom to broadcast and record our sessions.
Attendance and participation is encouraged.
We will be using the Adobe Creative Suite- Photoshop & Illustrator. If you need access to this software please let me know. Temporary access will be available for registered students. We will be discussing this in our first session.
We will be working with graphics, and exploring non destructive graphic editing.
This course uses professional graphic editing software that requires a powerful computer. Before enrolling, please be sure your computer has enough power to run the software used.
It is advisable that you have a computer, with large storage capacity and a 2 GHz or faster CPU. Working from your phone, tablet or Chromebook is not advisable for this course. Please review specifications.
No show policy
Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class.
Students with disabilities
Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.