Class information

ALM111B MTH 111 Lab - 1 Credit

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  • CRN: 12104
  • Credits: 1
  • Notes: This is a late start class.
  • Locations, days, times, and instructors:
    • Remote, Monday and Wednesday, from 5 to 7:50pm
      From February 3 through March 12, 2025, Jon D Wherry

Class materials


No textbooks required

Details about this class

This is a Pass/No Pass course designed for one or more of the following:

  1. Prepare for a math class you want/need to take in the future.
  2. Prepare for a math placement test.
  3. Supplement a current math course you are taking.
  4. Simply reinforce or increase your current math skills.

You may work ahead and complete extra hours. You can take advantage of the extra tutoring or finish some of your hours ahead of time.

You can miss up to six classes before having to make them up in ALEKS at a rate of 2 additional hours for each missed class (4 additional hours for each missed class if you are taking it as a two-credit class).

Please know that I am a resource and am here to help you.  ALC/ALM classes in combination with the ALEKS program are a wonderful way to fill in any gaps in your math skills and increase your confidence and foundations in math.  Students that use ALEKS to its full potential and ask for help when needed are pleasantly surprised by the gains they make in mathematics.

This is a 30 hour lab course for 1 credit sections and 60 hour lab course for 2 credit sections. This will roughly be broken down as follows:
Required hours in ALEKS by the end of the term: 20 hours for 1 credit sections; 40 hours for 2 credit sections
Additional expected hours outside of ALEKS by the end of the term: 10 hours for 1 credit sections, 20 hours for 2 credit sections.


All work and meetings will be conducted remotely. To be successful in the course, each student should have access to the following items:  

  • A device with reliable internet access, video, and microphone.
  • Chrome is the preferred internet browser
  • The ability to download and use Zoom.
  • The ability to use ALEKS (an adaptive math software program we will be using).
  • Scanning or picture taking program or app. I recommend the free app AdobeScan. 

No show policy

Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.