
Scholarships are a great way to help fund your college education. Scholarships are different from financial aid: there is a separate application process and you win based on your academic history, writing skills and past experiences.

Scholarships for PCC students

hand holding dollar PCC Foundation scholarships

The PCC Foundation awards hundreds of scholarships every year. These are just for PCC students, so you should definitely apply.

magnifying glass dollar Other scholarships

We’ve listed our favorite scholarships hosted outside of the PCC Foundation. A lot of PCC students win these, and you can too!

Get help winning scholarships

list ol Scholarship Application Guide

A step-by-step guide to winning scholarships.

user pen Scholarship workshops

Hands-on help applying for PCC Foundation scholarships.

pencil CG 105: Scholarships

A class about applying for scholarships.

I won a scholarship! Now what?

You rock! Now make sure the paperwork gets processed correctly. See if PCC has received your scholarship, what to do if your scholarship is late, and how you can use your funds. See more about paying with a scholarship.