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Cascade Bond Advisory Committee (BAC) Meeting; April 5, 2012 Page 1 Cascade Bond Advisory Committee: Meeting Notes # 13 Meeting Date: April 5 , 2011, 6:0 0 – 8 :0 0 p .m . …
consortiummanualdraft10-12-23 wbleed
1 R egio n 2 A C onso rtiu m C TE H andbook T a ble o f C onte nts S ectio n I : O ve rv ie w . …………………………………………………….. …
FDC comp FY 23
Summary FDC Compensation – 2021-22 Release Hours ACHD 8.000 2080 Advanced & Applied Tech. 5.500 1760 AFEG 8.000 2408 Business, Comm. & Wkfrce Dev 2.000 840 Health Care & …
AnnuAl RepoR t | July 2012 – June 2013 Southeast Center student photographer Bernie Doran views stacks of metal studs with a creative lens. Beriault Entertainment Marketing …
The Print Center Handbook Welcome The Print Center is a PCC resource available to all staff, faculty and students, as well as the general public. We offer a wide variety of …
PCC_RC Implementation Schedule_OPTION C
Portland Community College 2008 Bond Program Implementationopsis architecture LLP Rock Creek Campus March 2011 D R A F T Implementation Schedule | Major Projects PROGRAM …
PCC_RC Implementation Schedule_OPTION B
Portland Community College 2008 Bond Program Implementationopsis architecture LLP Rock Creek Campus March 2011 D R A F T Implementation Schedule | Major Projects PROGRAM …
PCC_RC Implementation Schedule_OPTION A
Portland Community College 2008 Bond Program Implementationopsis architecture LLP Rock Creek Campus March 2011 D R A F T Implementation Schedule | Major Projects PROGRAM …
1 THE POINTED CIRCLE 2020 XXXVI Portland Community College Cascade Campus Copyright 2020 Portland Community College PO Box 19000, Portland, OR 97280-0990 Portland Community …
climate action plan 2009.indd
Climate Action Plan 2009 Portland Community College Table of Contents Executive Summary Sources of Carbon Emissions…………………………………………… …4 PCC’s Objective Map to 6 Core Action …