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SLC Charter 2024.02.26 – Google Docs
S usta in ab ilit y L ead ers h ip C ou ncil C harte r, F eb ru ary 2 024 M is sio n T he Sustai nab ilit y L ead ersh ip C ounci l (S LC ) w ork s in p ar tn er sh ip acr …
Minutes, PCC Newberg Advisory Committee meeting, 071310
PCC Newberg Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes: July 13, 2010 (Attendees: Don Clements, Lynn Patrick, Michael Sherwood, Melinda Van Bossuyt, Claudia Stewart, Paula Radich, …
Minutes, PCC Newberg Advisory Committee meeting, 030210
PCC Newberg Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes: March 2, 2010 (Attendees: Joni George, Paula Radich, Don Clements, Claudia Stewart, Michael Sherwood, Melinda Van Bossuyt, …
OAC Meeting November 23, 2020 Portland Community College PMWTC Project AGENDA Agenda 00:05 Community Outreach 00:40 Living Cully Focus Groups Break 00:05 Design Update: Pods …
PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Year Six, Standard Two, Policies, Regulations, and Financial Review (PRFR) Report Submitted to Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities …
MSD Son lin e S YS TE M 1. W hat i n fo rmat io n i s a va ila ble in t h e MSD Son li n e s y st em? MSD Son lin e i s a saf ety d ata s h eet ma nageme nt s y ste m co nt …
CLIMATE ACTION Since 2006, PCC has reduced its Scope I and Scope II emissions by 39%. Learn more about PCC�s commitment to climate action at …
Bikes • Bike racks available on all shuttle routes,first come first served. • Remove water bottles and other loose items from your bike. • Inform the bus driver that you will …
December, 2023 Curriculum Committee Agenda
C U RRIC U LU M C O M MIT TE E a s ta nd in g c o m mit te e o f t h e E d uca tio nal A dvis o ry C ouncil ( E AC ) A gen d a f o r D ec e m ber 6 , 2 02 3 T h is m ee tin g …
N IEA Minigrant Revised 2 – 5 – 18 FIRST CALL FOR PROPOSALS International Cu rriculum Mini Grant Program 2018 Sponsored by the Northwest International Education Association …