
All pathways

No matter where you're going, PCC is a great place to start. With our academic options, you can earn training to get a rewarding job or earn credits to transfer to a university. If you need help choosing a program, you can talk to someone at one of our career centers.

Arts, Humanities, Communication, and Design

The programs in this pathway can lead to careers in creative professions and offer life-enriching learning you can apply toward a four-year degree.

Healthcare and Emergency Professions

Become a professional healer and enter a specialized medical field with the programs in this pathway. Learn in clinical settings with advanced technology. Compare the full range of healthcare programs at PCC.

Business and Entrepreneurship

Can you see yourself organizing information, improving communication, and making business decisions? If you like solving problems and achieving goals, start building a career in business.

Construction, Manufacturing Tech, and Transportation

Do you like to work with your hands? Do you enjoy constructing, repairing, and maintaining buildings, systems, and technology? See if there is a career here for you.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)

Launch your professional career in one of these programs or earn credit with science classes that will transfer to a university.

Public Service, Education, and Social Sciences

The programs in this pathway can lead to a career in public service or expand your knowledge of the world and society.

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Addiction Counseling

Investigate patterns of drug and alcohol abuse and recovery

Public service + education


Research the evolution of human societies

University transfer credits

Public service + education

Apprenticeship and Trades

Participate in an employer-sponsored training program

Construction + manufacturing

Architectural Design and Drafting

Translate ideas into blueprints and 3D models of buildings

Art + communication


Develop creative problem-solving by exploring visual arts

University transfer credits

Art + communication

ASL (American Sign Language)

Learn the grammar and culture of American Sign Language

University transfer credits

Art + communication

ASL/English Interpreting

Take formal training to become a sign language interpreter

Art + communication

Auto Collision Repair

Restore damaged vehicles with painting and structural repair

Construction + manufacturing

Automotive Service

Inspect, test, diagnose, and repair cars and light trucks

Construction + manufacturing

Aviation Maintenance

Repair and troubleshoot airplanes, helicopters, and jet engines

Construction + manufacturing

Aviation Science

Learn to fly and start your career as a professional pilot

Construction + manufacturing


Explore living systems, from tiny cells to the entire biosphere

University transfer credits

Science + engineering

Bioscience Technology

Conduct lab experiments and research new medicines

Science + engineering

Building Construction

Become a carpenter, remodel homes, or manage build sites

Construction + manufacturing

Building Inspection

Examine buildings for safety and fire hazards

Construction + manufacturing

Business Administration

Earn credentials in accounting, management, or marketing

Business + entrepreneurship


Explore microscopic worlds and prepare for healthcare careers

University transfer credits

Science + engineering

Chicano and Latino Studies

Examine historical and current experiences of Latinos in the US

University transfer credits

Public service + education

Child and Family Studies

Develop observation and insight to work with kids and families

Public service + education


Study Mandarin Chinese language and culture

University transfer credits

Art + communication

Civil and Construction Engineering Tech

Study the design of bridges, cities, and environment protection

Science + engineering

College Success and Career Guidance

Learn to manage time, finances, and personal commitments

University transfer credits

Communication Studies

Improve your intercultural and public speaking skills

University transfer credits

Art + communication

Computer Aided Design and Drafting

Create drawings and digital models of products and machines

Science + engineering

Computer Information Systems

Solve practical issues using networks, databases, and websites

Science + engineering

Computer Science

Focus on theory and mathematical foundations of programming

University transfer credits

Science + engineering

Criminal Justice

Collect evidence, investigate cases, and protect individual rights

Public service + education

Dealer Service Technology

Intern at a Caterpillar dealership and repair heavy machinery

Construction + manufacturing

Dental Assisting

Prepare patients, sterilize tools, and provide chairside support

Healthcare + emergency

Dental Hygiene

Perform advanced procedures like cleanings and anesthetics

Healthcare + emergency

Diesel Service Technology

Become a mechanic for trucks, tractors, boats, and trains

Construction + manufacturing


Identify structures of wealth, poverty, and capitalism

University transfer credits

Public service + education


Start your career as a teacher or teaching assistant

Public service + education

Electronic Engineering Technology

Study currents, voltage, circuits, and renewable energy

Science + engineering

Emergency Medical Services

Stabilize accident victims and transport those in medical crisis

Healthcare + emergency


Study the fundamentals before transferring to a 4-year school

University transfer credits

Science + engineering

English for Speakers of Other Languages

Improve your ability to speak, read, and write in English

University transfer credits

Art + communication

Environmental Studies

Seek solutions to climate crisis and endangered species

University transfer credits

Science + engineering

Ethnic Studies

Study the knowledge and experiences of people of color

University transfer credits

Public service + education

Exercise Science

Become a personal trainer, coach, or fitness instructor

Healthcare + emergency

Eye Technician

Administer vision tests and assist eye doctors

Healthcare + emergency

Facilities Maintenance - HVAC

Install and repair heating and cooling systems in large buildings

Construction + manufacturing

Fire Protection

Fight fires, perform rescues, and assist with natural disasters

Healthcare + emergency

Focus Awards

Earn awards in specialized fields of interest

Foods and Nutrition

Analyze dietary intake to prepare for careers in healthcare

University transfer credits

Healthcare + emergency


Study French language and culture

University transfer credits

Art + communication

GED® and Adult Education

Prepare for the state high school equivalency test


Explore the landscape and societies of Earth's surface

University transfer credits

Public service + education

Geology and General Science

Connect to the Earth's physical systems

University transfer credits

Science + engineering


Study German language and culture

University transfer credits

Art + communication


Start a career helping older adults stay active and engaged

Public service + education

GIS and Geospatial

Design maps that illustrate and interpret statistics

Science + engineering

Graphic Design

Communicate visually through illustrations and typography

Art + communication

Health Information Management

Collect and organize patient medical history

Healthcare + emergency

Health Studies

Observe the role of physical and mental welfare in our culture

University transfer credits

Public service + education


Study past events and their influence on the present

University transfer credits

Public service + education


Compare cultures through art, philosophy, history, and language

University transfer credits

Art + communication

Interior Design

Create sustainable spaces using lighting, textiles, and layout

Art + communication

International Studies

Examine the world community

University transfer credits

Public service + education


Study Japanese language and culture

University transfer credits

Art + communication


Sharpen your reporting, writing, and editing skills

University transfer credits

Art + communication

Landscape Technology

Design and construct outdoor spaces and sustainable habitats

Construction + manufacturing


Improve information seeking and research skills

University transfer credits

Art + communication


Improve comprehension and appreciation of written language

University transfer credits

Art + communication

Machine Manufacturing Technology

Fabricate metal parts and tools using computerized equipment

Construction + manufacturing

Management and Supervisory Development

Resolve conflict and improve productivity in the workplace

Business + entrepreneurship


Improve math skills and prepare for math-intensive majors

University transfer credits

Science + engineering

Medical Assisting

Schedule appointments, take vital signs, and send lab samples

Healthcare + emergency

Medical Imaging

Perform X-rays and CT scans to detect disease and injury

Healthcare + emergency

Medical Laboratory Technology

Carry out lab tests to diagnose and prevent disease

Healthcare + emergency

Medical Professions

Learn basic healthcare skills while exploring career paths

Healthcare + emergency

Microelectronics Technology

Manufacture microchips and circuits in a cleanroom setting

Science + engineering


Produce content combining text, graphics, audio, and video

Art + communication


Learn fundamentals of music theory and performance

University transfer credits

Art + communication

Music and Sonic Arts

Combine art and science as a producer or sound technician

Art + communication

Native American Studies

Study indigenous voices, colonization, and tribal sovereignty

University transfer credits

Public service + education


Determine course of treatment and provide long-term care

Healthcare + emergency


Provide support to lawyers, corporations, and public institutions

Public service + education

Parenting Education and Family Life

Learn skills for a strong and healthy family

University transfer credits

Public service + education


Evaluate beliefs about how we should live our lives

University transfer credits

Art + communication

Physical Education

Develop skills in sports like dance, swimming, and self-defense

University transfer credits

Healthcare + emergency


Experiment with laws of motion and prepare for science careers

University transfer credits

Science + engineering

Political Science

Research taxation, citizenship, and government

University transfer credits

Public service + education


Analyze emotion, motivation, and personality

University transfer credits

Public service + education

Religious Studies

Investigate myths, doctrines, rituals, and traditions

University transfer credits

Art + communication


Study Russian language and culture

University transfer credits

Art + communication

Social Justice

Explore approaches to the fair treatment of all people in society

University transfer credits

Public service + education


Evaluate social problems and possible solutions

University transfer credits

Public service + education


Study Spanish language and culture

University transfer credits

Art + communication

Theatre Arts

Learn acting, directing, design, and stagecraft

University transfer credits

Art + communication

University Transfer

Take freshman and sophomore classes and transfer to a 4-year

Veterinary Technology

Provide essential medical care for all animals

Healthcare + emergency


Learn to fuse metal and prepare for trades in fabrication

Construction + manufacturing

Women's and Gender Studies

Understand how power and oppression shape our world

University transfer credits

Public service + education


Express ideas through poetry, essays, and screenwriting

University transfer credits

Art + communication

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