Hi, I’m Leni (Alena) Tupper. I’m the Director of the PCC CLEAR Clinic, a free legal services clinic run out of PCC Cascade in North Portland. I also teach in the Paralegal Program here at PCC. I have worked at PCC since 2016, formerly as full-time faculty and Faculty Department Co-Chair of the Paralegal Program. Before coming to PCC I was an immigration attorney, part-time community college instructor, attorney advisor in Immigration Court, judicial law clerk, and legal assistant in landlord-tenant law, among other things.

Running a free legal services clinic and teaching paralegal courses at PCC has allowed me to combine my passions for social justice, expanding access to legal services, and education. I have connected with so many amazing students, clinic participants, staff, and faculty here at PCC, from whom I have learned so much. I’m always trying to keep learning!

If you have a little time available and you want to start exploring the legal field, I encourage you to volunteer. There is a huge need for legal services for low to moderate-income folks throughout our city, state, and nation. You can help fill that need by volunteering with one of a wide variety of non-profit legal organizations (including at the CLEAR Clinic) in just about any area of the law. Come by my office at PCC Cascade, TH 203 and I’ll give you some suggestions!

To keep in touch with the PCC CLEAR Clinic, follow us on Instagram and Facebook.