Adding and Dropping Courses


On this page, you’ll find instructions to:

* Register for Classes
* Drop a class

* Search for Classes using Advanced Search methods
* Change your Grade option to Pass/No Pass
* Get on a Wait list
* Register for a class you’ve been wait-listed for
* Organize your Class Schedule prior to registration


Click here to learn how to register online using your MyPCC portal. The Deadline for registration is the second Tuesday each term for 8 to 12 week courses. Shorter classes have less time to add.

Click here to learn how to drop a course using your MyPCC portal. Dropping a course may affect your financial Aid and/or your academic standing. Check in with a Financial Aid Advisor to ensure that you will not be required to return Grant and/or Loan money. While Instructors may drop a student from a course (e.g. for failing to show up for your first or second day of class), it is the students’ responsibility to drop any course they haveĀ  registered for.

Using the Advanced Search option allows you to narrow your search by Location, by Instructor, by the time of the day, by the day of the week, or by Instructional method (on-campus, web-based, interactive-video classroom, or telecourse). The Advanced Search also allows you to determine how many people have already signed up for a course, how many seats are still available, and whether there are students on the wait list.

Click here to learn how to change your grade option to Pass/No Pass (the deadline is between the 7th and 8th week of the term) check the Academic Calendar to determine deadlines for changing grade options, drop deadlines, holiday closures, or to learn when the Schedule of Classes is available for next term. Courses taken for “Pass/No Pass” do not calculate into your GPA. Some programs require that certain courses are taken for a letter grade–Speak to an Academic Advisor to determine transferability of courses taken for Pass/No Pass.

Click here to learn how to get on a Wait list. To register for a class you’re wait-listed for, you must receive Instructor Permission. Secondary Registration is required for wait-listed courses. Click here to learn how to register for a course in which you’ve been wait-listed.

Click here to download a worksheet to help map out your plan prior to registration.