Welcome to my homepage!

I’ve been teaching half-time at both Portland Community College and Clark CC (Vancouver) since 1996; my main focus has been working with under-prepared students, and those who’ve had bad experiences, been away from Math for a while, have disabilites, or are just plain scared of my subject.  Having several disabilities in my own family, got me interested, however, teaching Math for Elementary Teachers for a couple years, here at PCC, gave me some hands-on experience I was able to modify for use with disabled students, as well.  So I’ve worked with a multitude of different types of disabilities over the last 23 years.

For the last 2 years, as well as face-to-face, classes, I’ve taught both Math 95 and 65, with on-line homework with free, downloadable texts, and plan to continue doing the same for the forseeable future, especially now that so many are out of work.  Though I’m not a tech wiz, I’ve managed to learn enough to do zoom lectures this term, though I much prefer seeing your rosy faces, to judge WHEN you are understanding what I’m saying.  But I’ve had enough problems, I might even know some solutions if you have similar ones.  I like to make my examples as practical and useful as possible.  This summer, tired of doing all the talking myself, I plan to use videos to supplement my lectures and worksheets in class.   I’ve taught everything from basic arithmetic through Math 111 and Trig, here and at Clark.

Being more than a bit clumsy, I broke my writing arm in 4 places, along with several other mishaps, so If you have physical issues, I DO understand.  And I’ve worked 3 jobs at once, just to put food on the table, after my divorce, so I understand financial woes, as well, so don’t be afraid to share your issues with me.  If you have learning issues, let me know, as I’ve worked with many, as well as those in my family.   Having been here at PCC for many years, I often know about available help and support, and/or the best way to handle getting behind, whether or not you continue with my course.  I also know about financial aid and what some of its rules are and how best to work around/with them; I had 3 in college at once, on a single salary.  If you have technical issues with all this on-line learning, I may have solutions, or will know where to get help, as I’m still learning right along with you.

Former Teaching:   1 yr at Mt. Hood and Clackamas Community Colleges; 2 years in Ohio at Lima Tech (on a branch of Ohio State), and Wright State University (Technical Branch); 5 years at Lane CC, in Eugene (Math, calculators, Millwright apprentices); 1 yr at Linn-Benton CC, in Albany; 1yr in Salem Public schools, teaching all subjects to ill and injured Senior High students; 2 years with Apprentices for Clackamas CC (in  in fields of Sheet Metal, Tool and Die and Machinists, as well as plumbers; + 6 years at the Junior and Senior High school levels in several Oregon cities, before I had my family.

Previous work besides teaching:  accounting for my husband’s small Machine Shop business, parts, delivery; dental office, insurance office, Veterinary Clinic, retail

College:  BS in Mathematics from Oregon State, MST in Education, from Portland State

Family:  divorced, 3 children, (1 learning disabled), 5 grandchildren (6-14); born and raised on a farm, the oldest of 5, I live east of Gresham on that same farm, now, with a disabled brother and his son, where we have sheep, an orchard, and usually a garden.  My hobbies include knitting, travel, gardening, and Genealogy; some of my ancestors came to Oregon in the 1850’s.