Welcome to my homepage!

My name is Debbie Bowen, you can call me Debbie.

Building 2, room 210

971-722-3983 or (503-702-9599 is preferred and you can text to this number)



To my Future Math 20 students:

Check your MYPCC email routinely as we near the start of the course.  I will send relevant information to you prior to the course start date.

You will be doing problems at ALEKS ( a site that you will need to buy an access code) each week.  The grades for ALEKS will be automatically posted at Aleks gradebook.  Weekly quizzes will be submitted by way of scans or pictures. Textbook exercise problems (the book is located at Aleks website) will be collected 2x (one set during midterm week and another set during final exam week).

There is a discussion thread each week where you will submit 2 posts.  Midterm and final exam weeks excluded.

If you have any questions, email me at debbie.bowen@pcc.edu

 To my future Math 244 students:

For 2022 math 244  winter term on, we will use a free textbook (but if you would like a  hard copy you can buy it at PCC bookstore).

This class is 100% online which means hw and quizzes plus both midterm and final exams are done online. Don’t come to campus to take them.

Discussion is optional and not graded.

Each week, you will go to ‘contents’ and view what I posted under each week.  You will benefit from many wonderful preprogrammed ‘calculators’ to save you time and some videoes that will help too. If you chose not to take advantage of them, you will need to work harder.  Part of this class is to learn how to use technology to solve problems.

It is so extremely important that you read the announcements and my email to you regularly.

If you have questions during the term, call me as often as you like. Or text me or email me. I am here to help.

If you email me I will give you my cell number.