
PCC RC Mathematics Instructor

Building 2, room 210



What matters to me?

I want us to be a learning team. I want to help you learn a lot of math, carefully and correctly. I want you to become a better critical thinker and to be prepared for future math classes at PCC. And I want you to leave my class with confidence in your math ability and in your ability to be successful. I want you to do your part. Work hard and wisely. Practice. Succeed.

To my future MTH 20 students:

Please review my frequently asked questions link on this website regarding my online MTH 20 classes. Also check your MyPCC email routinely as we near the start of the class.  I will send relevant information to you prior to the course start date.

Getting ready for the term? Some of the main deadlines and important dates are:

  • Class Access: Registered students will have access to the class the Friday prior to the start of the term.
  • ZOOM Q & A: The first Tuesday of the term there is an introductory Q&A via ZOOM, (time will be posted on my course details page and sent via email).
  • Mandatory Assignments: There are two mandatory assignments due the first Wednesday of the term. These assignments must be satisfactorily completed by the deadlines in order to stay in the class.
  • Proctored Exams for Summer Term: Proctored exams are one of the many assessment tools used in MTH/STAT courses to assess student learning. For in-person sections, exams are proctored in-person on campus during class time. For remote sections, exams are primarily proctored virtually by the instructor in Zoom during remote class time. For online sections, exams are primarily proctored virtually by the instructor in Zoom on dates/times scheduled by the instructor. The exams for this class will be proctored virtually by me (your instructor) on the following dates and times; please make every concerted effort to attend my virtually proctored exams listed below.
    • Midterm Performance Exam on Monday of week 6 from 3pm to 4:30pm, or 6pm to 7:30pm via Zoom. Students are required to join the session 30-45 minutes early to get checked in.
    • Final Performance Exam on Monday of the last week of the term, from 6pm – 8pm via Zoom. Students are required to join the session 30-45 minutes early to get checked in.

    To have your exam proctored virtually, you must fully read and understand the Student Guide to Virtually Proctored Exams in Zoom and meet the technology/environment requirements; technology support will not be provided on exam day. Virtual proctoring was designed and piloted in collaboration between Math, Online Learning, and the Testing Center.

    If you do not meet the requirements for virtually proctored exams, prefer to take your exams in-person, and/or have an unavoidable scheduling conflict, please contact me as soon as possible. Alternative testing arrangements can be made for virtual or in-person proctoring at a testing center given adequate notice and depending on testing center capacity and availability. Scheduling appointments with a testing center and communicating with the instructor is the responsibility of the student, as well as paying any associated fees with using a non-PCC testing center.

    If you have accommodations through Accessible Ed & Disability Resources at PCC, please contact me so we can discuss your specific accommodations and how I can best support you.

    If you have any questions or concerns about proctored exams, please feel free to contact me.

  • Proctored Exam Preparation Session for Summer Term: Students taking the exams virtually must meet with me via Zoom at one of the two scheduled times to ensure proper video technology for the proctored exams. Ensure that you have arranged your schedule to attend one of these two sessions.
    • Monday of week 5, 2:15pm – 3:00pm or
    • Thursday of week 5, 5:15pm – 6:00pm

Also, if you are planning to register for math 20, make sure to take this short “Are you prepared?” questionnaire to verify that math 20 is the correct place for you!


Consider taking an ALC or ALM lab class!

You can take an ALC/ALM class before, or at the same time, as your math class! ALC/ALM classes will help you prepare for MTH 20, 58, 60, 65, 70, 95, 111 or 243, OR taking an ALC/ALM lab will help you be successful in any of these classes! In these classes you’ll be working on the specific skills you need to rock your math class! Check out the ALC/ALM Math Course Information link at the top right of this screen. These classes can be found under Alternative Learning Courses or Alternative Learning Math in the schedule! I often teach these classes and I would love to see you in one my sections!

In my ALC/ALM classes, you’ll be working at your own pace, mostly using technology, to review math concepts and to make sure that you’re prepared for your next math class or to help you succeed in the math class you’re currently taking.

Trying to register for an ALC or ALM but can’t?

Email me, (or the instructor of the section that you’re trying to get into)! Most of the time, we’ll be able to let you in!

To my future MTH 60 students:

I often teach MTH 60. Please take a close look at my sample MTH 60 syllabus to get a sense of how class works. Also check your MyPCC email routinely as we near the start of the class.  I will send relevant information to you prior to the course start date.

If you have questions about whether or MTH 60 is the right place for you, review and make sure you understand and can do the examples in the links below:

Arithmetic with negative numbers: https://spot.pcc.edu/math/orcca/ed2/html/section-arithmetic-with-negative-numbers.html

Fractions and fraction arithmetic: https://spot.pcc.edu/math/orcca/ed2/html/section-fractions-and-fraction-arithmetic.html

Order of operations with real numbers: https://spot.pcc.edu/math/orcca/ed2/html/section-order-of-operations.html