Hi my name is Delia (Dee) McQueen and welcome to my hope page!

I have been a physical education instructor at PCC since 2009.  I  started my career as a high school PE teacher and coach in San Diego, California.  After many years of high school teaching, I landed my dream job here at PCC.   I have a BS in Kinesiology and a Minor in Drama from San Diego State University. I  have a single subject teaching credential K-12 in PE and a Masters in Physical Education from Azusa Pacific University.  I am also a Fulbright Scholar and taught for one year at the Stranaer Academy in Scotland and attended Pacific Conservatory for the Performing Arts in Santa Maria, CA.

I love to teach fitness and sports.  I have coached many sports at all levels including, field hockey, track and field, cross country running, soccer, volleyball, cheer, swimming and basketball.  At PCC I teach and have certifications in the following classes:  Boxing, Muay Thai, Zumba, Zumba Tone, Zumba Strong, Volleyball, Soccer, Weight Training, Boot Camp, Cardio Conditioning, Volleyball, Basketball, Interval Training, Barre, Cross Country Running,  Health and Fitness for Life and Walking/Running for Fitness.

I also love to learn about fitness, health and sports.  I continually take classes and training’s to make sure I am up to date on all of my certifications and to learn from different health and fitness experts. I try to take 2-3 certifications each year.  One of my favorite experiences was  in the summer of 2018 where I attended the Marine Educators Training at the US Marine Core Training Facility in San Diego Ca.  At this training, I not only learned about being a US Marine, I participated in many of the same boot camp training’s as the recruits.  It was truly an amazing experience.

In my free time, I love to travel with my husband and 10 year old daughter.  We try and leave the country every other year to explore and see the world.  I also have two orange tabby cats who like to wake me up at 5 am every single day.

If you ever have any questions just know that I am here to help.  Teaching is my passion and my goal is to help each and every student in any way that I can.


Delia McQueen
Full Time Faculty/Co-Department Chair
Physical Education
Rock Creek Campus

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