Greek Roots 1-4, Examples




1.) a- The bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City was done by anarchists who despise the government and everything it stands for. b- The Unabomber was such an anarchist that he would not stop at anything to destroy the U.S. government.  


2.)  When I travel to Mexico, my study will involve the anthropology of the ancient Mayans, including their everyday lives, government, religion and farming techniques.


3.)  a- Her clothes and attitude are quite archaic; she looks like a hippie from the sixties who would only feel at home in Eugene. b- My grandmother’s clothes are so archaic that when you see her you feel as if you are back in the 50s.


4.)  The blue prints served as an archetype for the layout of the new hospital.


5.)  Christopher Columbus used an astrolabe to help navigate his way to America; this device enabled him to judge distances based on the stars.


6.)  a- Using her astrological knowledge, Madame Zelda warned me to beware of goats interfering with my wedding plans. b- The practice of astrology, consulting the stars, is becoming more prevalent in Western societies.


7.)  a- During World War II, an astronomical number of people were killed- over 1 million. b- The price of gas has reached an astronomical height.


8.)  a- At my job, I put the parts in the same place everyday; I’m beginning to feel like an automaton, and I’m beginning to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. b- Working for a long time on the assembly line, turned him into an automaton.


9.)  a- The little boy wanted to be autonomous from his parents, so he opened up a bank account and got a part time job. b- Most countries prefer to be autonomous, so they can function independently.


10.)  a- Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream is an environmentally sound company, so it only uses containers that are biodegradable. b- Electronic devices will not decay naturally because they are not biodegradable.


11.)  Hermits are generally classified as misanthropes because they usually dislike and mistrust people.


12.)  Jane and John’s marriage is successful because of their symbiotic relationship;  they help each other at home and at work.






1.)  A manual typewriter is an anachronism in this day of computers because they are rarely used or sold.


2.)  The coach used the chronograph to time the sprinter’s 50 yard dash speed.


3.)  My writing instructor was unappreciative of my stream of consciousness writing style;  she would have preferred that I write in chronological order.


4.)  The Russian cosmonaut, Vladimir, viewed his country from the comfort of his spacecraft.


5.)  Henry Higgins, the protagonist in “My Fair Lady”, traveled a great deal and possessed the wisdom of a cosmopolitan.


6.)  The cyclorama in Disney World’s Hall of Presidents depicts scenes from American history.


7.)  Former Nicaraguan president Noriega used unethical means to remain in power and was a demagogue.


8.)  She went to the local dermatologist for the treatment of a severe rash.


9.)  Marilyn, of “Marilyn Says” fame, claims to have an encyclopedic knowledge; she believes that she knows everything.


10.) Polar bears are endemic to the tundra of Alaska and northern Canada.


11.)  AIDS is a pandemic disease because it affects people all over the world.


12.)  Grandma took her favorite dachshund to the taxidermist to have it stuffed and preserved, so she would never be lonely; the dog had died the week before.



1.)  a- Since it is difficult to prove that god exists, some philosophers are self-proclaimed agnostics. b- Jeff’s agnostic beliefs made him skeptical about his parents’ interest in Christianity.


2.) a- The professor was so dogmatic in his beliefs that he refused to consider the new research which indicated that a form of life existed on Mars. b- Our teacher is not dogmatic because he is open minded.


3.)  a- The teacher’s lessons were so dynamic that the students could not wait for class.  In fact, they looked forward to the quizzes. b- The dynamic front line of the New England Patriots has played an essential role in the team’s success.


4.)  The royal family in Great Britain is a divisive, crumbling example of a dynasty.


5.)  The IBM keyboard is ergonomically designed to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome.


6.)  a- Since they had no knowledge of metallurgy, they burned the ore rather than melted it. b- I  took a metallurgy class to see if I could really extract gold from lead.


7.)  a- After my first marriage, I vowed never to marry again, which made me appear to be a misogamist.  b- Melanie was a true misogamist; she claimed that she would never get married, and just the thought of it made her sick.


8.)  a- In ancient India, monogamy was rarely practiced, and most men had several wives and concubines. b- Jake and Susan were a monogamous couple until Susan had an affair with Jake’s brother.


9.)  a- Brian’s teaching techniques have never been considered orthodox because he is so unconventional. b- She had an old fashioned orthodox view of marriage as being a relationship between two adults for a life-time.


10.)  It seems paradoxical that the teacher dresses like a hippy but drives a Ferrari.


11.) Despite the weatherman’s prognosis for sunny weather, I brought my umbrellas just in case.

After receiving chemotherapy for her cancer, her prognosis was that she would have a long, healthy life.


12.) Our group is extremely synergetic; we help each other come up with superlative sentences. When I spilled the cup of coffee, the class worked synergetically to clean up the mess.




1.)  Some women experience anemia relating to menstruation and the advent of childbirth; quite often iron supplements are recommended to alleviate this condition.


2.)  Close inspection of the one dollar bill shows the calligraphic signature of Mary Ellen Withrow and Lloyd Bentsen.


3.)  I was so dehydrated at the time of my operation that the nurse had to poke me six times just to get the i.v. in my arm.  Finally my bodily fluids could be replenished.


4.)  With the increase in Americans living past the age of 70, geriatrics, the study of aging is becoming the hot field of the 90’s, surpassing even computer programming in popularity.


5.)  The man was nearly phobic around knives and other sharp objects because he was hemophiliac.


6.)  The brakes on the bumper car went out because the hydraulic seal was broken and the fluid ran out.


7.)  Daniel Webster wrote the first American dictionary and was called America’s lexicographer. A lexicographer wrote our text book because it required a knowledge of etymology, pronunciation, and parts of speech.


8.)  the china plate was expensive because it had a lithograph of a Celtic design.


9.)  The monogram on his shirt specified that his initials were K.S.


10.)  The I.R.S. is considered by many Americans to be monolithic because it seems to be omnipotent and omniscient.


11.)  My feet hurt so badly after the 50 mile hike that I had to soak them for 3 hours and visit a podiatrist.


12.)  I drank so much alcohol at the party that I thought I might get toxemia.