Microelectronics Technology Student Advising

Use these guidelines to aid with academic planning.  For most students, you can follow the academic plan described in the PCC catalog.  If you start your MT training in spring or summer, or take classes part time, you should probably contact an MT advisor to make sure you plan your coursework in a feasible manner (not all courses are offered all terms, and certain sequences must be followed.)

Eric Kirchner
  • Academic planning
  • MT transfer credit evaluation
  • Course substitutions
  • Overrides for program required courses
Abel de la Cruz
  • Academic planning
  • General advising issues (student resources, financial aid, prerequisites/placement, etc.)
  • Academic issues (holds, etc.)
  • Overrides for General Education courses, math, science, writing, communication.

Transfer Credit:

If you have other coursework at PCC or other institutions that you think may be applied towards your MT degree or certificate, you should follow these guidelines:

Transfer credit from other schools and the military

  • Follow the instructions on the Student Records page for transferring credit to PCC
  • Allow Student Records to complete the transcription (this can take many weeks.)
  • Courses transferred as direct matches to MT required courses will be applied to your degree/certificate
  • Courses that are not direct matches need to be evaluated by the MT department chair –  complete a substitution form (described below)
  • Courses that may substitute for MT designated courses will likely not be automatically transcripted. Submit unofficial transcripts to the MT department chair and complete a substitution form (described below)

Apply PCC credit to your MT degree/certificate

  • Confirm applicability with the MT Department Chair
  • Submit a substitution form (described below)

Course substitution

  • Fill out a Course Substitution form.
  • If you are changing your degree/major place an asterisk next to your new major.
  • If you are changing your eligible catalog year place an asterisk next to your new year.
  • Substitute course numbers should be entered as they appear on your PCC transcript.
  • If the substituting course has insufficient credits to match the course it is replacing you will need to substitute additional courses.
  • Information you are not sure of can be left blank.
  • Fill out additional forms if substituting more than three courses.
  • Email the completed form(s) to the MT Department Chair (ekirchne@pcc.edu).
Last updated September 12, 2018