Week 1

Homework for Wednesday (9/28):


  • Read the Homepage of the class website, and watch the videos. Read the Syllabus (= course paper that Fidelia emailed you). Prepare any questions about Fall Term.
  • Pay for the class.
  • Fill out the google form “About You”.
  • Please buy the textbook & workbook.


  1. Alphabet lesson  (pronunciation, “capital” and “lower case” letters)
  2. counting & numbers lesson
  3. Spelling practice:

Homework for Friday (9/30)

  1. Did you finish all the first week business? Did you finish the homework from last time? Please do it!
  2. Do this lesson online:
  3. Do these exercises:
  4. WhatsApp introduction:
    • Download free app, WhatsApp (if you don’t have it), and introduce yourself with a photo in the class group.

Homework for Monday (10/3)

  1. Practice grammar:
  2. Writing [submit this homework]
    • Write your answers from your partner interview in complete sentences. Write 10 complete sentences.
      • If you were absent, please interview a friend or family member.
      • Write your sentences in a Google doc. Share the doc with Fidelia.
      • Example:

My Partner

My partner’s name is Viri. She is from Mexico City. She speaks English and Spanish. Now she lives in Cornelius. She has lived in Oregon for 2 years. She lives here with her son. She doesn’t have a pet. She works at a restaurant called Mazatlan. She likes Portland because it is natural. In her free time she likes to draw. She loves sushi and tacos.

  • In the same doc, describe the room you study in with “there is/there are”.
          • Write 5 sentences, each using “there is” or “there are”.
          • Use prepositions (in, on, next to, at the end of, across from)
          • Examples:
            • 1. I work and teach class from my office room.
            • 2. In my room, there is a desk, an office chair, a computer and a printer.
            • 3. There are two windows.
            • 4. There is a bed. A guest can sleep in my room.
            • 5. My room is painted yellow, so my screen looks yellow in Zoom.
            • 6. There are so many books in my room. There are more than 100!
  1. Reading
  2. Pronunciation
    • Fidelia will post some files in WhatsApp for ordinal numbers and pronouns. You will listen to them and repeat. Practice many times to improve your pronunciation and memory.
  3. Spelling
    • Study for a test on Monday:
      • numbers, ordinal numbers, days of the week, months, seasons