Week 5 (Jul 22- Jul 26) not available for viewing

Watch this video:  How to view Web Easy Page   — (Irene will give you this handout)
Reminder:  Have you paid for your parking permit or class fees?  Have you turned in your fee waiver documentation?  You will get a bill from PCC if you haven’t and you won’t be able to register for the Summer term.
  1. Listening for English in Action Textbook.  First,  Click this
  2. Then, choose (select): Student Book
  3. Finally, choose (select): whatever UNIT we are doing
What we will study this week:  We will continue to increase our vocabulary of words and phrases relating to our homes, the different rooms in a house/apartment, and what activities are usually done in these rooms.  We will be able to practice with present tense verbs.  We will also share our daily and weekly routines and write about them.
PCC Library tour, Wednesday, May 1st:  We will continue to get familiar with our home campus.  Don’t forget to bring your student ID to check out library books, music CDs, or DVD movies.  
Classroom resources:  The Heinle Picture Dictionary and the Oxford Picture Dictionary
Rooms & Furniture (Textbook p. 52); handout
LISTENING: Textbook pp 54 – 55
READING & WRITING:  Textbook p. 64 
CONVERSATION:  Watch this video: (Part-1to13) Everyday English Conversation Practice I10Minutes
GRAMMAR Review:  Simple Present 
Watch this video:   Lesson 49 – Verbs in the Simple Present – Learn English with Jennifer
Practice:  Do the exercises below for self-practice —
Present Simple Tense – To Have
Present Simple Tense – 1
Present Simple Tense – Questions (Do/Does)
Class activity:  Present tense verbs and our daily routine
CONVERSATION PRACTICE:  Irene will give you a worksheet, you will have a few minutes to think about what activities you do each day of the week.  Next, you will write them down in your worksheet.  Finally, you will share what you wrote with a partner.
HOMEWORK 2:  WRITING – Describe what you usually do every week.
Read the writing sample in class:  Kim Ahn
Another example:  Irene’s Sample Writing
READING:  ESOL News Oregon — Some shelters are better than others for homeless people
  • Why do you think there are homeless people?
  • Do you have homeless encampments in your neighborhood? (encampments are places where a homeless person pitches a tent and stays there, usually not permanently).
  • Are there homeless people in your native country?  Can you say how different or how similar their living situation is?
  • What do you think we can do to help decrease or eliminate homelessness?
CALL CLASS:  Oxford Picture Dictionary
Action Words Vocabulary (interactive practice)
Typing practice:    Typing Club