Week 1: March 30-April 5

Please complete the assignments below this week.


  1. Introduction Video
  2. Introductions
  3. Grammar Video 1
  4. Grammar Video 2
  5. Grammar Video 3
  6. Pages 26, 27, Pages 28, 29, Pages 30, 31,Pages 32, 33pages 26-33 (check your answers here) You don’t need to turn this in. You can check your own answers.
  7. Writing- Responsibilities – Homework to turn in
  8. Grammar practice
  9. Computer Task
  10. Sign up for a 15 minute phone call
    • Wednesday 5:00pm, 5:15pm, 5:30pm, 5:45pm, 6:00pm, 6:15pm, 6:30pm, 6:45pm
    • Thursday 7:00pm, 7:15pm, 7:30pm, 7:45pm, 8:00pm, 8:15pm, 8:30pm
    • If these times don’t work, text me a time that will be good for you.