My general policy for the online classes I teach, for the face-to-face classes I teach, and especially when teaching remotely is: flexibility. I do my best to accept late work without point deductions for being late and I encourage students to make up any assignments they miss. This format works well for strong students with busy and complicated lives. This policy does not work well for students that thrive with strict and inflexible deadlines.

For remote and face-to-face classes — I generally run a “semi-flipped” model: Lectures and time spent on worked problems are short (longer for 200-level courses) to allow the majority of class time to be spent in group work (activities, quizzes, and/or projects) and individual open work time for homework with classmates and the Instructor for support.

I encourage each student to request a meeting with me 1-on-1 before the middle of the term. During the second half of the term, I extend an individual invitation to each student who has not yet met with me to check in and make sure everyone has the support they need to succeed. Individual meetings with me are strongly encouraged but not required.

Old MTH 251 Syllabus and Calendar

Old MTH 256 Syllabus and Calendar

Old MTH 65 Online Syllabus and Calendar

Old MTH 95 Syllabus and Calendar

Old MTH 254 Syllabus and Calendar

Old Math 253 Syllabus and Calendar