Info about my stats classes

Info for Current Students

If you’re a current student (or potential future student) here is information about how I run my Statistics 1, MTH 243, class(es).


Here is the syllabus for my current MTH 243 class. (coming soon!) Fall 2018 MTH 243 syllabus

Proctored exams

There are two exams that you’ll need to have proctored in MTH 243 at the Cascade Campus. The two test days are:

  • Saturday, Feb 9th, 9 – noon, TEB 225 (Choose the 9am or 10:30 am session)
  • Tuesday, March 19th, 12:30pm – 4:30pm TEB 226 (Choose the 12:30pm or 2:30pm session)

I do offer some flexibility to students in extreme situations, so contact me with questions.

How do I “go” to class?

Our class is “located” in D2L Brightspace which is your home base for content. Please note that you can also access D2L via my.pcc, but the link is handy to know in case MyPCC isn’t working.

There’s no class to show up to, aside from the proctored exams.

You’ll learn how to access MyStatLab, which is where you’ll do your homework/quizzes and have access to an online textbook. You’ll purchase an access code at the bookstore or online to get access into MyStatLab. If you’d like a print version of the text you can purchase a loose-leaf copy. See instructions inside the course for how to do this. I strongly suggest getting a paper copy of the book so you have something physical to learn from.

Contacting me

The best way to contact me is to send me an email to I check my email approximately 80 times a day so you’ll get a quick reply. 🙂