Jess Funaro (she/her) – Nutritionist. Cook. Feminist Punk.
We need nourishment. Physical, emotional, the need runs the gamut. Food is many things. Don’t take it for granted and don’t worship it. Make it, share it, enjoy it all. In the US, culturally, we have few rituals, but we prepare food and eat daily. You’ve probably already eaten at least once today. So, ritual yes. But also a form of communication. Also, a dividing line. Also, at risk. The inequities of our world meet us at our plate, as does our heart, our bodies, and our history. The acts of cooking and eating are bold demonstrations of our agency and our humanity. To nourish ourselves, unabashedly, is to fully inhabit ourselves, our needs, our desires. This is your right. Right now.
And right now your body is brilliantly communicating to you what you need and when you need it. It is speaking to you through the language of sensation. It is constantly inviting you to listen and to tap into your inner knowing. Often the knowing in our bodies is intercepted by the insidious noise of diet culture, of white supremacy, of capitalism. We reject, resist, and ultimately divest from these oppressive systems when we reconnect with our bodies. Embodiment is divestment.
None of us do this work alone. We help each other so that we can help each other. We find our places in our communities, we learn how to receive support and we learn how to be supportive. We ALL need nourishment.
We Need Nourishment is empowered nutrition, it is anti-diet, weight inclusive, fat positive, queer, antiracist, feminist, liberatory, pretty woo, delicious, and totally punk rock.