Artisan Breadbaking: English Muffins & Sticky Buns


Good Grief!  Are you kidding?  Both, English Muffins and

caramel glazed Sticky Buns in one class????!!


Get ready!  In this fast paced class we will mix and knead 2 got-to-have recipes for your family and friends.  Learn the art of baking classic style English Muffins and, c’mon, who doesn’t crave, ooey-gooee Cinnamon Roll Sticky Buns, right?

You asked for a follow-on class to Artisan Breadbaking: French Bread, and here it is.  Very little lecture in this class.  If you haven’t taken the French Bread class, I’d highly encourage you to do so before tackling this one.  You’ll get a lot more out of it!

Questions?  See the sidebars:

               English Muffins & Sticky Buns: What to Expect & What to Bring

               English Muffins & Sticky Buns:  Questions Yo Might Have