
  1. Paint as though you were decorating your prison cell.
  2. Resist the temptation to explain.
  3. Nothing is corny in painting except a borrowed feeling. 
  4. Fear is the root of bad painting.
  5. Cinema, advertising, tv, comics, fashion and road signs are all part of the history of painting.
  6. One color next to another can build a cathedral.
  7. Only when the studio is silent, will she whisper in your ear.
  8. Steal shamelessly but only to reveal your psychic truth.
  9. Paint like you are telling your lover your dream.
  10. Follow the fun and shun the cult of suffering.
  11. It is a sin to paint when you are bored. 
  12. The world is both frightening and beautiful, never just one of these.
  13. Ideas find you. If you were not up to painting them, they would find someone else. 
  14. Friends and family will tell you you are wasting your life, but  secretly they envy you.  
  15. One should always paint nature as sentient and conscious.
  16. If someone asks you to talk about your artistic process or your studio practice, know you are in the presence of a vampire.
  17. “Old Fashioned” art is the Shadow of the New.  
  18. The need to make images never goes away but tired ways of seeing always do.100