Patterns in Nature

What do pinecones, a sunflower, and a honeycomb have in common? We often assume that most of the beauty in nature is random and without design. Actually, nature is very orderly.

Fixed designs and patterns are in us, on us, and all around us. Leonardo da Vinci realized these patterns in his Vitruvian man while studying the human body. Leonardo Fibonacci realized it in his mathematical sequence discovery while studying patterns in nature.

In this fun and explorative presentation, we will look at:

  • Da Vinci’s concept of beauty in the human body.

  • How “Fibonacci’s sequence” describes the all the patterns that nature creates.

  • Come, learn, and gain a new sense of wonder in your world as we examine images and samples of patterns throughout nature. You will be amazed and will see everything around you in a new light.  Lets search for these  patterns together!


Natures Patterns: Flow, Philip Ball, Oxford University Press, 2009

Natures Patterns: Branches, Philip Ball, Oxford University Press, 2009

Natures Patterns: Shapes, Philip Ball, Oxford University Press, 2009

The Divine Code of Davinci, Fibonacci, Einstein & You, Matthew Cross & Robert Friedman, M.D., Hoshin Media, Stamford, CT, 2009

The Beauty of Numbers in Nature, Ian Stewart, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA

Patterns in Nature, Philip Ball, University of Chicago Press, 2016

Growing Pattern: Fibonacci Numbers in Nature, Sarah C. Campbell, Scholastic Inc, NY 2010

Numbers in Nature: Playing with the Fibonacci Sequence, Cristine Boles, Naturally Curious, LLC, 2017

Wild Fibonacci: Nature’s Secret Code Revealed, Joy N. Hulme, Tricycle Press, Berkeley, CA  2005
Michio Kaku