
Advanced Multimedia Project Development

a woman looks at a sticky note with details about her project.

Course Description

This online course guides you through the process of creating a culminating multimedia project that showcases your advanced skills in multimedia production. You will learn to plan, research, pitch, and execute a project that aligns with your professional interests and meets industry standards for accessibility. This is considered a capstone course that marks the completion of your multimedia degree or pathway certificate. This course is designed to allow you to combine your creative and technical skills developed in the preceding 100 and 200-level Multimedia classes through the production of a consummate project.

Course Objectives and Outcomes
  • Develop a strong understanding of the multimedia production process.
  • Refine your research skills and gather relevant information for your project.
  • Craft a compelling pitch that effectively communicates your project vision.
  • Master the technical skills needed to create a professional-quality multimedia project.
  • Design your project with accessibility in mind.
Course Modality

This is an online class only that takes place in D2L. We do not have a regularly scheduled class meeting. 

An online class requires a lot of self-discipline. Please don’t underestimate the time you think this class and your project will take you. There are specific due dates. Make note of when things are due, create a calendar for yourself, note the due dates, and add tasks into your calendar for the project assignments and the D2L Lessons when they open to help you stay on time.  To succeed in this class, I recommend setting up a regular day and time on your calendar for this class as though it is a standard class you have to attend every week at a set time. Doing that will help keep you accountable and on time. Use the day and time you schedule for yourself to work on the D2L lesson labs: think of lesson labs as remote class sessions.

Mary Anne sitting outside on the patio while smiling and holding up her homemade dalgona coffee drink.If you ever feel stuck or unsure, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

Office hours, peer feedback sessions, and online resources are all available to support your learning journey. I will also host 3 one-hour remote Mary’s Cafe Chat sessions, via Zoom, for anyone who wants to attend, you can drop in at any time during that hour. 

Our remote MM 250 Cafe Corner is a great way to get help if needed, bring everyone together, put faces to names, and provide a human element that makes the creative world so vibrant. The Dates, Time, and Zoom link for the optional cafe chat hour will be added to the top of our D2L homepage.

Assignments and Projects

There will be three self-reflections that focus on your learning, goals, and accomplishments.  

8 D2L Lesson Assignment Sheets

D2L Lesson Assignments are in the form of a checklist for you to complete with activities that demonstrate what you are learning. 

Week 1 Lesson Assignment: On week 1 you need to complete the Getting Started Lesson to learn about the course and to complete an activity. Please note, if you do not complete the week 1 getting started lesson, you will be submitted as a no-show to PCC per PCC Guidelines.  

Weeks 2-8: lesson assignments will include micro lecture lessons, which are short videos or textual data that cover specific topics we are currently studying. Additionally, you will be required to read assigned materials and watch videos posted within the lesson checklist.

PCC MM/VPEM Digital Presentation

This assignment will require you to create a PCC MM/VPEM digital presentation, using the format of your choice to showcase work you’ve produced during the program, breaking down what you did during the projects and addressing key questions that are connected to the assessment of student work in our department, which I will provide for you in the assignment.

Everything you need to know to complete your PCC MM/VPEM Digital Presentation will be found on our D2L class page under content in the module titled, PCC MM/VPEM Digital Presentation Details. 

Capstone Project

Throughout your time in our PCC Multimedia/VPEM program, you have learned different methodologies for producing stories. Now it’s time to take what you’ve learned and apply it to a single project that you will develop throughout this term, this can be in any digital media format that you choose. To complete your project, you will utilize the tools and knowledge acquired throughout the program to create a portfolio-worthy project that demonstrates proficiency in multimedia/VPEM production. This will be broken up into smaller project assignments that you will submit along the way while actively working on your project goals and project completion.

Options for the Capstone Project:

  • Option 01: Previously Started Media Project
    • For this option, you will choose a project from another class or a personal project that you started but haven’t completed and complete it this term for the full development of a multimedia project that you want to complete this term for a portfolio quality piece. This is using any research, tutorial lessons, assets and pre-production work started previously in another class or a personal project and completing it this term so that viewers can experience it.
  • Option 02: New Project
    • For this option, you will start with a new digital media project idea that you have been thinking about but never had the chance to bring forward, this could be a great opportunity to advance an idea that is leading you toward your long-term goals.
  • Option 03: Proof of Concept
    • For this option, you will develop a proof of concept project for a project/story that is a long-form story that you want to continue working on beyond this class. This is a great way to begin working on your idea, doing research, planning for what you need, creating digital assets that demonstrate your idea, etc.
  • Option 4: Marketing Plan and Professional Development
    • With this option, you are developing a professional online presence to market yourself and your work.
  • Option 05: Community-Based Project
    • In a Community-Based Project, you can work with an organization on a digital media project or digital content material over the quarter and demonstrate the work you are doing with them.

When you pick your project, pick a project you are passionate about and a project you can feasibly complete in 10 weeks. 

To everyone who is taking this class, I’m looking forward to being on this journey with you.


Mary Anne