Podcasting Class

A group of students practice interviewing each other for an audio story.
MM123 Podcasting

Welcome to MM123 Podcasting at Portland Community College

Course Details:
Credits: 3

Covers the planning, production, launching and distribution of a podcast. Examines inclusion of diverse voices and perspectives. Explores audio storytelling, audio mixing, interviewing, podcast script writing, research, editing, budgeting, marketing and distribution. Introduces podcast equipment selection, setting up a podcast kit, recording for ear, and recording in-person and remote guests. Audit available.

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course students should be able to:

  • Describe audio storytelling and story structure.
  • Plan, produce, launch and distribute a podcast.
  • Analyze podcast teams and job descriptions.
  • Define and compare various podcast themes, genres and styles.
  • Record and edit interview and narrative elements in a podcast using a variety of equipment and methods.
Course Activities & Design:
Students in the podcast class practice recording in different locations and practice doing interviews.
  • Developing a podcast strategy plan
  • Producing a podcast package
  • Building skills in interviewing and writing narration
  • Developing critical listening skills
  • Developing a 3 act story structure
  • Researching topics
  • Learning how to write to tape
  • Writing for Accessibility
  • Recording for actualities
  • Preparing a recording environment
  • Recording and editing a podcast
  • Equipment and Software
  • Mastering podcast episodes for distribution
  • Learning how to promote and market podcasts
  • Identifying podcast styles and genres
  • Identifying the use of podcasts in various job fields
  • Determine solutions for challenging recording environments.
  • Recording for ear
A short history of this course
PCC instructor Mary Anne Funk

My name is Mary Anne Funk. I am the instructor and course developer for the Podcasting class.

In the Fall of 2021, with the support of my Multimedia colleagues, department chair and department dean, I pitched the idea for a Podcast class. It ran in the Fall of 2021 and the Spring of 2022 as an experim

ental course. After running two successful terms, the course was then submitted to PCC to become a permanent class in our department. It went through a series of steps prior to being approved as an ongoing course that will be listed in our course banner.

The Podcasting class first ran as a remote class and then an in-person class. In the Fall of 2023 it is slated to be an in-person class. During the class, students will learn how to create their own audio stories/podcasts and they will work on a shared group class podcast. As we progress forward, we are working on a pathway for developing a PCC podcast led by multimedia students and overseen by an instructor.