Start Here – Let’s give it a try!

Thanks for helping me experiment with this way of remote delivery.  It may be kind of slow, but I’ll try to include some things that may actually be helpful for you to review or to learn for the first time, depending on your level.  We can start with this.   Please keep in mind a couple of things as we learn from each other in this experiment.

1,  Hopefully, I will get better at  finding ways that using this would allow me to deliver a worthwhile class; that’s my goal.

2.  Please keep in mind that the student user would probably have more limited English skills than you do, and almost certainly more limited computer skills, as well as less access to technology.  That is the main reason for using this method.  I’d like your feedback about using this, both from your perspective and that of a lower level student, so please try to put yourself in their position as well when you give your reaction or evaluation.

3.  At the moment, I haven’t worked out being able to record grammar lessons, but I’ll add them as soon as I can.  In the meantime, we can try some other things.

Thanks for your help.


Let’s try Padlet to communicate about a topic.  Start by telling me what you’d like to learn during this experimental class.  Be specific and I’ll try to address something of interest.

Let’s try Voice of America. Use this link and go to Intermediate level.  Find the categories Health & Lifestyle, Science & Technology, Arts and Culture and As it is.  Chose a story from one of those categories and read it.  Make notes if needed or view it again until you are able to summarize it or discuss it.   Then, we’ll share a short summary in Padlet.

Let’s try a basic exercise for those who do not type well yet or need to practice using the keyboard.