Michael Moss

STEAM Center Coordinator

Cascade Create Space STEAM Center

Terrell Hall 101

Cascade Campus

Email: michael.moss1@pcc.edu


Be A Maker



QR code and robot buttons

QR code and robot buttons

Laser cut wooden jigsaw puzzle

Laser cut wooden jigsaw puzzle

Acrylic Business Card Case

Acrylic Business Card Case

Laser Cut Wood Snowflake Coasters and Chipboard Ornaments

Laser Cut Wood Snowflake Coasters and Chipboard Ornaments

Laser Cut Wood Snowflake Earrings and Necklace Charm

Laser Cut Wood Snowflake Earrings and Necklace Charm

Laser cut wood airplane poem

Give me your tired, your layovers, Your hunched masses yearning for an available power socket with which to charge their devices between flights, The wretched travelers of your teeming baggage claims and security lines. Send these, the homebound, turbulence-tossed, to me: I turn on the overhead light beside the fasten seatbelt sign. Words Written Under the Control Tower at the International Airport

Laser cut wood business card case

Laser cut wood business card case

Laser Cut St. Johns Bridge

Laser Cut St. Johns Bridge

Laser Cut Wood Spider and Web

Laser Cut Wood Spider and Web

Laser cut ghost and jack-o-lantern necklace charms

Laser cut ghost and jack-o-lantern necklace charms