Drone Pilot Basics (class outline)

icons Drone Pilot Basics

Examine uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) technology and commercial applications. Review historical, contemporary and development trends. Review current/upcoming regulations and social issues. Prepare for taking the FAA remote pilot test. This class is offered through unrecorded Zoom Meetings and PowerPoint handouts.

  • Week 1 – Introduction, Overview
  • Week 2 – Regulation, Safety, Privacy, Nuisance, Aerodynamics, Avionics
  • Week 3 – Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles, UAS Applications
  • Week 4 – Remote Pilot Exam Preparation, Commercial Operations, Drone Trends and Projections

Online resources are provided for test preparation and professional UAS operations.

Weather permitting, the class may participate in flight training that covers safety procedures, pre-flight inspection, basic maneuvers, programmed flight modes, and professional operations. Flight training drones are provided.

Students Test Drone Pilot Skills at PCC