Discovering Spanish Literature level 1, Spring 2019

This term of Spanish literature will be the first level in a series of 3. It will be an introduction into Spanish literature, suitable for students ready to begin reading in Spanish or who have some experience reading and discussing in Spanish and hope to brush up on their skills. We will be reading a short work or two of fiction, non fiction, or poetry every week, about a page or two in length. We will discuss the works in class, as well as have conversations around related topics, and possibly some written exercises in class as well. This class will be a round table discussion, but I will also try to present some background information on the texts, countries and authors.  This class will be fully immersive in Spanish.

We will be using the literature sections of the book Enfoques, which is the second year Spanish textbook used for PCC and PSU credit classes, as well as some supplemental pieces which I will provide.

Some of the authors we will probably read will include: Pablo Neruda, Mario Benedetti, Rosario Castellanos, Ángeles Mastretta, Gabriel Garcia Márquez, Augusto Monterroso, Arturo Pérez Reverte, Horacio Quiroga, Edmundo Paz Soldán, Julio Cortázar, Emilio Pardo Bazán, and Jorge Luis Borges.

Regarding the literature class series: 

For students who were interested in, or took the literature class (“level 2”) I offered Spring 2018 term, this term’s literature “level 1” class will be easier, and less time commitment outside of class.  For students hoping for more challenge, or time commitment, I will be offering a “level 3” literature class next in the series, where we will read a short novella or two.

I look forward to meeting everyone and sharing the joys of reading and conversing in Spanish!