Hobbies and Interest – Staying Energized

Sam in his backyard    It is important to take time and enjoy life…

I enjoy teaching and learning more about all my students and their experiences. I am able to stay energized by taking time to enjoy my hobbies and interest.

I was born in Florida and have always enjoyed spending time outside hiking, camping, and kayaking/canoeing, and birdwatching. In 1996, I moved to the Pacific Northwest and discovered a whole new environment to enjoy. This environment has led me to some very beautiful waterways, parks, and to my current home on the Tualatin River. The picture above shows me in my backyard preparing to build a bamboo structure for my wife’s garden. I also enjoy taking out the kayaks, birdwatching, and splitting wood for our wood stove. This is how I recharge by myself or with my wife of 25 years and my children when they are visiting.

How do you recharge?