GRN & 50+ Workforce

Illustration of an older woman


Training Agreement & Learning Objectives forms


GRN 280A CE: Gerontology Internship:
  • This is the online course you take at the same time as your internship
  • You must have an internship site and completed Cooperative Education Training Agreement before you can be registered for and participate in GRN 280A
  • You can’t register yourself for the GRN 280A course; Career Services submits the completed Cooperative Education Training Agreement for you and that is how you are registered for the course
Setting up the internship:
  • Identify your internship site
  • Once you have your internship site identified, then you determine the Learning Objectives and Activities for your internship. These should be determined through conversation with the person who will be serving as your Internship Supervisor.
  • Once you have your Learning Objectives and Activities determined, then you fill out the Cooperative Education Training Agreement form. Your Internship Supervisor at the internship site needs to fill out their part of the form, including signing it in a couple of places. *This is a fillable PDF form.
  • Once you have completed the Training Agreement with your information and your Supervisor’s information, then you email the PDF form to me so I can complete my part of the form as your Internship Instructor.
  • After I’ve completed the form, I email it to Tanya, so she can complete her part and get you registered.
  • Once you are registered, you will be added to the GRN 280A course site. You can be added at any time in the term you are doing your internship.

Resources for Boomers and Seniors

Comprehensive website from AARP – check out the work and retirement section


Handling Ageism