
If you are visiting this page it is likely you are enrolled in my Intro to Comics: Nonfiction Comics & Nonfiction Graphic Novels Community Ed course. Key concepts of comics storytelling are examined and evaluated through readings of various nonfiction comics (and/or nonfiction graphic novels) and a comics-making practice is encouraged through the various class prompts and exercises usually related to some aspect of our readings. Participants share work with each other in class and support each other through engaging constructive critique.

I am not strict about any materials. Use what you know how to draw and/or write with. Nibs, brushes, and inks are fine if you have experience with them but can be messy for classroom work. For class sessions I would suggest: a portable (though not tiny) sketchbook/journal, 9×12 drawing paper (for finished work), pencils, rulers, erasers, drawing pens, brush pens. I prefer to keep it simple. Colored pencils and/or watercolors are fine, if you like. You are also welcome to use digital tablets. I always encourage students to use what works best for them and to remain open to exploring new materials and techniques.