Math 65 Schedule


Solve and Check: 2.1:  32, 36, 52, 60, 64, 68, 70, 80, 86, 98

HW#2 [All problems in 5.7]
  • 1 – 17 odd
  • 40 – 44
  • 45 – 59 odd
  • 63 – 73 odd
  • 5.6:  5 – 125 by 5
  • 5.7:  25 – 125 by 5
  • Go back to HW #1 and two problems and solve and check
Test #1 [On Thursday, 10/19/2023]
  • Test will contain problems from 2.1 and all of chapter 5.  Additionally, the information covered on 10/17/2023 will be covered from 6.1.  These topics are:
    • Know all of the perfect squares up to 225, that is, 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, …. 225.
    • Know how to take a square root, such as,
      • √9 = 3
    • Know how to simplify a non-perfect square.  See example 6.1.11 or checkpoint 6.1.12.
    • Definition 6.1.2. Square Root
    • Definition 6.1.8. nth Root.
  • A very good way to study for the test is to make a sample test and then take the test.  The sample test should have two problems from HW #1 and five problems from HW #2 and five from HW #3 and also add problems 6.1 1-4 and 31-36.

Please read Ch 6.  We just started it last week and will finish it up this week.  Giving you all a break on what to turn in for HW #4.  Please just turn in your sample test you made.  [See last item.]  You just need to do the following:

  • Do two problems from HW #1 and five problems from HW #2 and five from HW #3 and also add problems 6.1 1-4 and 31-36.

Please read Chapter Six very carefully; we still have to go through many problems in 6.3 and 6.4.  Please make a table of cubes, that is, numbers to the power of three and make a table of cube roots.  A copy is shown below.

Please do the following problems:

  • 6.5: 1 – 36


  • W #3 and also add problems 6.1 1-4 and 31-36.
  • 6.3:  27 – 34  and  51 – 73 odd.
  • 6.4:  13 – 33 odd, solve and check.
  • Read 7.1 and 7.2.
  • Read 7.1 and 7.2
  • Problems:  7.1: 1 – 31 odd, check at least three of them.
  • Test #2 is on Thursday, November 16, 2023 so please work problems from HW #5 and HW #6 and put them on HW #7.  I would recommend you work five problems from HW #6 and five from HW #5.
  • Test #2 will be on Ch. 6 and 7.1 and 7.2.
Preparing for Test #2
  • In class, I wrote on working problems from the last four homework’s.  I do want to make your study time more efficient.  Please do the following to prepare for the test.
  • Write problems on a sheet of paper and take the test without notes, book, etc.  Here are some good problems to put on the test.
    • On 6.5, any problems from 1 – 72 are good problems.  Write around 10 of these problems on your practice test.
    • On 7.1, any problems from 1 – 42 are good problems.  Write about three of these on your practice test.
    • On 7.2, any problems from 11 – 40 are good problems.  Write about three of these on your practice test.
  • 7.2: 12 – 45 by 3, that is 12, 15, 18, …Note:  On problems 25 – 40, the instructions state, “Solve Quadratic Equations Using an Appropriate Method”.  You should use the square root method if possible; it is more efficient than the quadratic formula.
  • Please look at 7.3 and 7.4.
  • Please redo Test #2.  I would highly recommend that you do the test like it was a test, that is, you just start with blank paper and do all of the steps for each problem, no notes, no book, no calculator, etc.  After you have done your best job, correct your test with the notes we took on Tuesday, November 21, 2023.  Take the test again until everything is “perfect:.
  • When we get back after the Thanksgiving break, I will hand out another edition of Test #2 and you are welcome to take that and you have the opportunity to obtain 10%.
HW #10
  • 7.3: 7, 19
  • Notes to help with complex numbers.
  • 7.4: 5, 9, 11, 27
  • 9.3: 35, 37
  • Notes to help with graphing
Final Preparation
  • Please make up a sample test with at least 30 problems using problems from Test #1, Test #2, HW #8, HW #10, and section 8.5.
  • Take this test, over and over, until you obtain the grade you desire on the final test.
  • Final is on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM in our regular classroom.