Math 65 Syllabus

Dear Students,

I want to give all of you a very warm welcome.  I wish all of you great successes and blessings in this class and in all aspects of your lives.  I enjoy teaching at PCC immensely and let me know if I can help you in anyway.  Do not hesitate to contact me.  Please review the syllabus and contact me with any questions.

Thank you,

Mr. Diss


COURSE MTH 65:  Introductory Algebra (2nd term) –  (4 credits)
TERM Introductory Algebra-2nd Term – 40173 – MTH 65 – 0
TIME/DAYS 6:00 PM – 8:20 PM
ROOM BLDG 2 – Rock Creek Campus 226



William C. Diss

Math Office: Rock Creek Building 2: Room 210

971-722-7696 (Math Office)

503-334-6183 (Cell Phone)

ADDITIONAL HELP I will be available for extra help before and after class.  Please contact me for one-on-one tutoring.


Textbook:  We are using an online book to save students the cost of buying a book.  The book can be found here:  You can also purchase a paperback copy of the book from Amazon by going to and inserting this ISBN 1724271571 or using,

Calculator:   No calculators will be used in class at anytime.

Notebook:  A spiral, bound or binder notebook is required.

·         Writing Instruments:  You need to have three or four pens or pencils in good condition.  All work should be done in black pencil or some dark color of ink (no shades of red).  All corrections should be done in some other color. Please do not use a black pen to correct work done in black pencil and vice versa.  Please bring extra pens and pencils.

·         Ruler:  You need to have a ruler or a straight edge to draw all lines.

·         Loose Leaf Paper:  All assignments must be turned in on loose-leaf paper; paper cannot be torn out of a spiral notebook.

Graph Paper:  All two-dimensional graphs must be done on paper with either four or five squares per inch.



Introduces algebraic concepts and processes with a focus on linear systems, polynomials, quadratic equations, and functions. Emphasizes applications, graphs, formulas, and proper mathematical notation throughout the course. Prerequisites: (MTH 60 or MTH 62) and (RD 80 or ESOL 250) or equivalent placement. Recommended that MTH 60 or MTH 62 be taken within the past 4 terms. The PCC math department recommends that students take MTH courses in consecutive terms. Audit available.


Upon completion of the course students will be able to:

·         Convert between different polynomial forms using operations and factoring.

·         Represent quadratic functions in various forms: symbolic, graphical, numerical, and verbal.

·         Use variables to represent unknown quantities and create models using linear equations, quadratic equations, and systems of equations.

·         Make predictions and interpret the results for models using linear equations, quadratic equations, and systems of equations.

·         Recognize and differentiate between linear and quadratic patterns in ordered paired data, graphs, and equations.

·         Interpret properties such as ordered pairs, and maximum and minimum values in a quadratic relationship.

You are expected to attend all classes in which you are enrolled. If you do not attend or stop attending classes and fail to personally drop within the refund period, you will be responsible for all tuition and fees.  Unless you have made prior arrangements with your instructor, you may be dropped from the class roster if you do not attend the first class session. However, faculty members are not required to drop students for nonattendance.  If you have excessive absences and fail to drop or withdraw from class by the deadlines, a grade of F may be assigned.  For drop deadlines and further information on dropping a class, see dropping classes,  You can only attend classes that you are officially registered into. You can’t sit-in on a class without the proper registration for the course.
ACADEMIC PROFESSIONALISM The location of this class is at Portland Community College and it is important that an atmosphere of a professional college environment is maintained.  Complaints, comments or questions that are not related to mathematical content should be made in private to the instructor.
IMPORTANCE OF MATHEMATICAL NOTATION It is the philosophy of the Portland Community College Mathematics Subject Area Committee (PCC Math SAC) that it is important for students to learn how to communicate mathematics using standardized notation, as this is part of the educational process.  We believe that when students are able to effectively use mathematical notation to compose meaningful mathematical statements, it is reflective of a deeper understanding of the mathematical concepts being described. Also, an understanding of math concepts and language includes the comprehension of math symbols and implementing their standard usage and format in communicating deductive mathematical reasoning.  …  These standards are intended to help students learn how to communicate mathematics effectively, which we believe will empower students to be successful in current and future coursework.
STEPS AND FORMATTING OF WORK The process of working a math problem is very critical.  Math problems are written in a similar way to writing a college paper.  Every line of mathematics is important just as every paragraph, sentence and word is important in a college paper.  College papers have certain formatting requirements for indentation and spacing between lines of text.  Your problems will also be worked with specific formatting requirements.  Please work problems as shown in class and please leave plenty of space between problems.  The entire width of the paper will be used for some problems.  Please put just one problem on a line and do not use multiple columns.


The Course Content and Outcome Guide, for the first class of our sequence has the following important information on steps:


The manner in which one presents the steps to a problem is very important. We want all of our students to recognize this fact; thus the instructor needs to emphasize the importance of writing mathematics properly and students need to be held accountable to the standard. When presenting their work, all students in a MTH 60 course should consistently show appropriate steps using correct mathematical notation and appropriate forms of organization. All axes on graphs should include scales and labels.


The notation standards are available online at:


On the top left of your paper please put the following heading:


First and Last Name

Instructor: Mr. Diss

Math 65

<due date>

<assignment description> Ex: HW #1

HOMEWORK Homework is extremely important.  An assignment will be given each week and is due the next week.  Please work all problems and show all work as shown in class.  You will be graded on steps, neatness, proper format, and correct mathematical statements.  Please correct all odd problems, before class, by putting an X or C by each problem; if the answer is wrong, please write in the correct answer.


In class we will review a few of the problems.  Please correct your problem by inserting the missing steps.  You will be graded on having all of the correct steps and corrections made in class so please correct problems that are worked on the board.


You will be spending at least five to six a week on homework and studying.  If you do not turn in a homework on time and decide to do it later, then you will have at least 11 hours of work the following week.  Please do your homework and turn it in each week.  Late homework will only be counted for one more week and will not be graded for full credit.

Quizzes and Tests Quizzes will be announced and unannounced.  All tests will be announced.  Quizzes and tests will be graded on steps and answers.  Quizzes and tests cannot be made up.  Tests are critical and count for a great portion of your grade so please take all tests.


You will be graded on all you do including steps, orderly work and clear answers.   The final is comprehensive and it can be used to replace your lowest test grade.
Grading Scale Final Percentage on all homework, quizzes and tests. Letter Grade
89.5 % and above A
79.5% – 89.49% B
69.5% – 79.49% C
59.5% – 69.49% D
Below 59.9% F



Portland Community College

Rock Creek Campus, 17705 NW Springville Rd., Portland, OR 97229

ADA ACCOMODATION Instructional ADA statement – Students who experience disability-related barriers should contact Disability Services []. If students elect to use approved academic adjustments, they must provide in advance formal notification from Disability Services to the instructor.
EMAIL NOTICE Due to Federal laws and concerns about privacy, all email communication between instructor and student shall be done via PCC assigned email address. Access email via MyPCC—see instructor during office hours if unfamiliar with using MyPCC.




Portland Community College is committed to creating and fostering a learning and working environment based on open communication and mutual respect. This is an integral part of the College’s academic mission to enrich our students’ educational experiences and prepare them to live in and contribute to a global society. If you believe you have encountered sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, age, national origin, veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability please contact the Office of Equity and Inclusion at (971) 722-5840 or
SANCTUARY STATEMENT Sanctuary Statement – PCC promotes the success, dignity, and worth of each individual by providing a safe environment where the examination of divergent ideas, experiences and systems of inequality adds depth to the learning experience. PCC strives to provide opportunity to all students and the appropriate level of support services to ensure the highest level of success. For more information and resources, see


FLEXIBILITY STATEMENT The instructor reserves the right to modify course content and/or substitute assignments and learning activities in response to institutional, weather, or class situations.
GRADING AND REGISTRATION Policies and deadlines Adding and Dropping:

Grading Options:

Grading Guidelines:

STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES HANDBOOK Students are required to comply with the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. Included are policies on Students Rights, Student Conduct, Grade Appeal, Academic Integrity, Consensual Relationship Statement, and Children on PCC properties.

College Policies and deadlines regarding grades and registration status The college has very tight deadlines for auditing, dropping, or withdrawing from a course.  For example, during most terms the paperwork to audit a course must be signed and submitted by the end of the first week of the term.  Similarly, to receive a refund for a class a drop must be completed the first week of the term.  These time frames are even shorter for some summer term courses.  Watch your email.

In all cases, it is 100% the student’s responsibility to process the change in registration status by the due date and time.  Term specific information for these deadlines is available:

Adding and Dropping:

Grading Options:

Grading Guidelines:

POLICY FOR CELL PHONES AND OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES ·         Cell phones must be either turned off or in silent mode during class time

·         In case of necessary/emergency call or text, please leave the classroom before responding

·         Cell phones must be turned off and put away during exams

·         Laptops, iPads, or other electronic devices are permitted only for work pertaining to class such as taking notes or looking at the online book.

During exams, all electronic devices should be off.



Near the end of the term, students are encouraged to complete evaluations by answering on-line questions about the class and the instructor.  You will receive a PCC email notification when the evaluations become available.  You are strongly encouraged to complete the evaluations to provide me feedback on the course and my teaching.
SCHOOL CLOSURES In the unlikely event the college is closed,  I will try and send email to your PCC account of changes and new assignments.








for more: – student

Rock Creek Student Learning Center: Bldg. 7, Room 218a

·         Faculty and student tutors available for math, science, reading and writing Monday through Saturday

·         Website:


Rock Creek Women’s Resource Center: Bldg. 7, Room 119, 971-722-7448

Free coffee, free printing, canteen, and much more

Open to men and women



Rock Creek Multicultural Center: Bldg. 7, Room 118, 971-722-7435

·         Supports students of color in an environment that supports their cultural identity, personal and academic goals; provides a full time advisor, community resources, free internet, free printing use, lounge area and resource library

·         Website:

·         Email:


Rock Creek Academic Advising: Bldg. 9, Room 102 , 971-722-7297

·         Website:


Rock Creek Computer Resource Center, BLDG 2 / Room  255

·         Internet access for enrolled students, mathematics computer programs, and more (orientation required).

·         Website:

·         allocation of 100 double-sided pages of free printing per term (does not roll over to next term).

·         Website:


OSD (Office for Students with Disabilities), BLDG 9 / Room 109

·         Testing services and resources for students with disabilities

·         Website:


College Success Courses BLDG 9 / Room 108

·         There are several one credit courses available to help you maximize your success in the college experience.  These include courses specifically geared to study skills.
