ALC and ALM Syllabus


You will be using a program called ALEKS.  Please look at the following page to learn how to set up an account and get started with ALEKS.

Link:  How to Sign Up in ALEKS

Dear Students,

I want to give all of you a very warm welcome and I also want to tell you thank you so much for the effort you are making to be in this class.  I really appreciate you being here and realize that you are making a sacrifice as you fit in your personal life, family life and work life into your schedule at school.

I believe all students can do well in math if they come to class, take great notes and write all steps carefully on problems.  It is very helpful to think of writing a problem just as you write a paper in a writing class or some other class.  Papers are written with a good title, a clear introduction, supporting paragraphs and a sound conclusion.  The format of your paper is important with the correct margins, spacing between lines, footnotes, and bibliography. In math you will be writing the original problem and writing all of the steps in the proper format.  You will find that writing all of the math correctly will give you a solid understanding of math and you will even enjoy it.

I wish all of you great successes and blessings in this class and in all aspects of your lives.  I enjoy teaching at PCC immensely and let me know if I can help you in any way.  Do not hesitate to contact me.  Please review the syllabus and contact me with any questions.

Thank you,

Mr. Diss



There are also low cost computers you may qualify for:

The PCC Foundation has partnered with Comcast to offer it’s Internet Essentials program for free to eligible students for six months. If you are a student currently enrolled at PCC who either is Pell Grant Eligible or receives public assistance via a program such as SNAP or Housing Assistance and are interested in having six months of complimentary internet access, please apply here:

Current Xfinity customers are ineligible to apply. If approved, you will be contacted by the Office of Student Development with more information.  If you have signed up for the Internet Essentials program since March 15, 2020 you may be eligible to have your internet paid for by the Foundation. Please email with your name, your PCC G number and your Comcast Internet Essentials service address. 

If you need a laptop:

I will be available for questions/help during our class times via Zoom. 

CAMPUS Portland Community College

Rock Creek Campus

17705 NW Springville Rd.

Portland, OR 97229

COURSE Math ALC 20 through ALM 111
TERM Summer 2022: Starting on June 27, 2022 or June 28, 2022 and ending on August 3, 2022 or August 4, 2022
SECTIONS 31181 31182 31183 31184 31230 31231 31232 31233 31234 31235 31236 31237 31503 31504 31505

Note:  There may be students from different sections in Zoom sessions and in correspondence from the teacher.

TIME/DAYS Depending on a one credit class you will have class on Mon/Wed or Tue/Thur.  If you have a two hour class, you will have class on all four of these days.
ROOM Online


Name William C. Diss
Web Page
Phone Number 971-722-3183
Math Office Location:  Building 2, Room 210

Phone Number:  971-722-7696

ADDITIONAL HELP Send email and we can set up a session with phone, video, in person, etc.  I am very willing to help you with problems in ALEKS, your math class and other things going on in your life.


Computer:  You will need a reliable computer to use the online program, ALEKS (  You will also need a computer to check for emails.  Emails are extremely critical for remote learning.

ALEKS:  We will be using an online learning platform called ALEKS.COM. To complete work outside of class time students will need use of a computer with internet access. 

Textbook:  We have no specific text book for the class.  If you are taking this class along with another math class, make sure you obtain all of the necessary books.

Calculator:   I do not think reliance on calculators is a good idea.  The ALEKS program might flash up a calculator and I have no control over that.  Please do not use electronic calculators and get in the habit of figuring out things with the best calculator in the world, your mind.

Notebook:  A spiral, bound or binder notebook is required.  Please keep all of your math work together.  Please work all of your problems carefully in the notebook and then input your information into the computer.  Your notebook is critical so that I can see your work on problems.

  • Writing Instruments:  You should have a few colors.  Different colors are very helpful for graphing and for correcting your work.
  • Ruler:  You need to have a ruler or a straightedge to draw all lines.

Graph Paper:  All two-dimensional graphs should be done on paper with either four or five squares per inch.

ALEKS Information You will be given codes to use in ALEKS.  You should also look at the following:

Important:  You will be using a computer to input all of your information, but I am still very available to help you.  There is a tendency, when working on computers instead of paper, to not contact your teacher.  



Recommended placement into the corresponding math course.
COURSE OUTCOMES Provides a review of individually chosen topics in the corresponding course. Completion of this course does not meet prerequisite requirements for other math courses.
ACADEMIC PROFESSIONALISM The location of this class is at Portland Community College and it is important that an atmosphere of a professional college environment is maintained.  Complaints, comments or questions that are not related to mathematical content should be made in private to the instructor.
ATTENDANCE Your attendance in ALEKS is very important.  Your grade will be based on hours spent in ALEKS.   You must join the class remotely on the required days and then sign into ALEKS and do the assigned math problems.  You will be graded on pass/fail depending on the hours you spend with ALEKS.  For a one credit class you need 30 hours and for a two hour class you need to 60 hours.
IMPORTANCE OF MATHEMATICAL NOTATION It is the philosophy of the Portland Community College Mathematics Subject Area Committee (PCC Math SAC) that it is important for students to learn how to communicate mathematics using standardized notation, as this is part of the educational process.  We believe that when students are able to effectively use mathematical notation to compose meaningful mathematical statements, it is reflective of a deeper understanding of the mathematical concepts being described. Also, an understanding of math concepts and language includes the comprehension of math symbols and implementing their standard usage and format in communicating deductive mathematical reasoning.  …  These standards are intended to help students learn how to communicate mathematics effectively, which we believe will empower students to be successful in current and future coursework.
STEPS AND FORMATTING OF WORK The process of working a math problem is very critical.  Math problems are written in a similar way to writing a college paper.  Every line of mathematics is important just as every paragraph, sentence and word is important in a college paper.  College papers have certain formatting requirements for indentation and spacing between lines of text.  Your math problems will also be worked with specific formatting requirements.  Please work problems as shown in class and please leave plenty of space between problems.  The entire width of the paper will be used for some problems.  Please put just one problem on a line and do not use multiple columns.

The Course Content and Outcome Guide, for Math 60 has the following important information on steps:

The manner in which one presents the steps to a problem is very important. We want all of our students to recognize this fact; thus the instructor needs to emphasize the importance of writing mathematics properly and students need to be held accountable to the standard. When presenting their work, all students in a MTH 60 course should consistently show appropriate steps using correct mathematical notation and appropriate forms of organization. All axes on graphs should include scales and labels. 

Examples of correct notation for different courses are shown here:

HOMEWORK Your homework is working in ALEKS.
TESTS There are no tests outside of ALEKS.


You will be graded on pass/fail depending on the hours you spend with ALEKS.  For a one credit class you need 30 hours and for a two hour class you need to 60 hours.

The rest of this syllabus contains VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION regarding resources and information as a general student of PCC.

  • Accessibility and Accommodations:  PCC is committed to ensuring that classes are accessible.  Disability Services [] works with students and faculty to minimize barriers.  If students elect to use approved academic accommodations, they must provide in advance formal notification from Disability Services to the instructor.
  • Title IX/Nondiscrimination:  PCC is committed to creating and fostering a learning and working environment based on open communication and mutual respect.  If you believe you have encountered sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, age, national origin, veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability please contact the Office of Equity and Inclusion at (971) 722-5840 or
  • Student Rights and Responsibilities:  The Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook [] establishes students’ freedoms and protections as well as expectations of appropriate behavior and ethical academic work.  The Handbook includes items such as the Policy on Student Rights, and the Student Code of Conduct Policy and Procedures.
  • Flexibility:  The instructor may revise the class calendar, modify content, and/or substitute assignments in response to institutional, weather, or class situations.
  • Sanctuary College:  PCC is a sanctuary college.  For more information and resources, see
  • Campus Resources:  PCC offers a variety of resources to help you succeed in your classes and to enhance your college experience (e.g., jobs on campus, child care, student clubs, tutoring, writing centers, Multicultural Centers, Women’s Resource Centers, Veterans Resource Centers, Queer Resource Centers, Dreamers Resource Center, emergency loans, food pantries, advising, counseling).  You can access information about college resources and activities at
  • Information about PCC Libraries:  Each PCC campus has a library where students can access a variety of books (including some class textbooks on reserve), journals, videos, and other resources both through PCC’s own collection and through loans from other colleges.  The libraries also loan laptop computers, graphing calculators, and other technology.  The libraries have computers, printers, and scanners for students to use and offer quiet and collaborative areas for studying, including study rooms that students can reserve.  Librarians are available to help students with research – in person or by chat, email, text, or phone.  Visit
  • Mandatory Reporting Requirement:  It is always my goal to keep information you share private but I am required by law to report to our Office of Equity and Inclusion all allegations of dating or domestic violence, child abuse or neglect, abuse of vulnerable populations, and/or credible threats of harm to yourself or others.  If you wish to make a disclosure that can remain confidential, there are staff at PCC who are deemed confidential.  You can find an accurate list here:
  • Listening Intervention Team for Equity (LITE) is a PCC resource for students, faculty, and staff who have experienced inequity or need guidance to navigate challenging dynamics at the college across cultures, races, ethnicities, gender identity or expression, sexual orientations, ability, faiths, and other aspects of identity.  The LITE listener will offer compassion, help you process your experiences, share skill-building techniques and problem-solving strategies, and connect you with other existing support resources.  To talk to a LITE listener about experiences of inequity you have experienced at PCC, visit and click on “Make an appointment with a LITE listener” or contact a listener directly.
  • Adding, Dropping and Grading:  The college has very tight deadlines for auditing, dropping, or withdrawing from a course.  For example, during most terms the paperwork to audit a course must be signed and submitted by the end of the first week of the term.  Similarly, to receive a refund for a class a drop must be completed the first week of the term.  These time frames are even shorter for some summer term courses.  Watch your email.  In all cases, it is 100% the student’s responsibility to process the change in registration status by the due date and time.  
  • Adding and Dropping:
  • Grading Options:
  • Grading Guidelines:
  • Attendance:


Important Dates for Portland Community College: See PCC – Calendar  


Note: Any of the items on this syllabus or calendar may be changed in response to a variety of situations. Any changes will be announced via e-mail.