Math 58 Calendar Old

Calendar reformated and thus this one is the old one.

Week Tuesday Thursday
1 5-Jan-21 7-Jan-21
Zoom basics Lesson over Section 1-1
Course Introduction  
Turning in homework 1-1  Technology
Connect sign in.
2 12-Jan-21 14-Jan-21
Due: 1-1 Connect Due: 1-2 Connect
Due: 1-1 Applications Due: 1-2 Applications
Due: 1-1 Technology Due: 1-2 Technology
Lesson over Section 1-2 Lesson over Section 1-3
Technology 1-3 Technology parts 1 & 2
3 19-Jan-21 21-Jan-21
Learning features of Excel Due: 1-3 Connect
Exponents Due: 1-3 Applications
Distributive Property

Order of Operations

Due: 1-3 Technology parts 1 & 2
Lesson over Section 1-4
1-4 Technology
4 26-Jan-21 28-Jan-21
Due: 1-4 Connect Due: 1-7 Connect,
Due: 1-4 Applications Due: 1-7 Applications
Due: 1-4 Technology Due: 1-7 Technology
Lesson over Section 1-7 Lesson over Section 2-2
1-7 Technology
5 2-Feb-21 4-Feb-21
Due: 2-2 Connect Due: 2-3 Connect
Due: 2-2 Applications Due: 2-3 Applications
Lesson over Section 2-3 Midterm Review packet
Due: Midterm Review packet
6 9-Feb-21 11-Feb-21
 Midterm Exam  Work on Nutrition Project in class
7 16-Feb-21 18-Feb-21
Lesson over 2-4 Due: 2-4 Connect
2-4 Technology Due: 2-4 Applications
Due: 2-4 Technology
Due: Nutrition Project
Lesson over 2-5
8 23-Feb-21 25-Feb-21
Due: 2-5 Connect Due: 2-6 Connect
Due: 2-5 Applications Due: 2-6 Applications
Due: 2-6 Technology
Lesson over Section 2-6  
2-6 Technology Lesson over Section 3-1          
3-1 Technology
9 2-Mar-21 4-Mar-21
Due: 3-1 Connect Due: 3-2 Connect
Due: 3-1 Applications, #1-6 only Due: 3-2 Applications
Due: 3-1 Technology Due: 3-2 Technology
Lesson over Section 3-2 Lesson over 3-3
3-2 Technology  
10 9-Mar-21 11-Mar-21
Due: 3-3 Connect Final Review assignment
Due: 3-3 Applications  
Final Review assignment Due: Finals Review
11 16-Mar-21 18-Mar-21
 Final Exam  No class!
Enjoy your break!