_Math 20, Fall 2019

Syllabus for Hillsboro Course


Video on Multiplication


HW #1

Due:  Hillsboro Mon/Wed class on Sep. 30, 2019

Due:  Rock Creek Saturday class on Oct. 5, 2019

Read 1.1 and 1.2 and 2.2 in the book.

Please do problems:

Page 111 to 113:  1, 11-50, 53-80.

The following are not in the book, but please do them on your paper.

Make complete factor trees of prime factors for all numbers from 5 – 75

Make a complete set of multiplication problems from 1 x 1 = 1 up through 12 x 12 = 144.


HW # 2

1.1:  1, 3 – 81 by 3;  this means 3, 6, 9, 12, …

1.2:  1, 12 – 78 by 3; this means 12, 15, 18, …


HW # 3

Read 1.3 – 1.5

1.3:  1, 3 –  87 by 3

1.4:  1, 3 –  57 by 3

1.5:  1, 3 – 90 by 3, skip # 6



HW # 4 Hillsboro Class


Read 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

1.6:  1, 2 a, b, 16 – 30, 35 – 90 by 5, 91 – 95

Page 62. 1c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 7 -17 odd

1.8: 44 – 48, 50, 51, 55





HW # 4 Saturday Rock Creek Class


Read 1.8

1.6:  1, 2 a, b, 16 – 30, 35 – 90 by 5, 91 – 95

Page 62. 1c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5b, 7 -17 odd

1.7:  1, 9 – 20,  21 – 93 by 3

1.8: 44 – 48, 50, 51, 55



HW # 5 Hillsboro Class


1.7:  1, 54 – 93 by 3 and 104, 106

2.1:   1,    3 – 93 by 3



HW # 5 Saturday Rock Creek Class


2.1:  1, 3 -75 by 3

2.3:  11 – 14 (draw neatly)  and 27 – 51 by 3,  66 – 68

2.4:  1, 15 – 48 by 3 and 71 – 73




HW # 6 Hillsboro Class


2.3:  11 – 14 (draw neatly)  and 27 – 51 by 3,  66 – 68

2.4:  1, 15 – 48 by 3 and 71 – 73

Chapter Two Review: Page 158 and 159,  70 – 75, 86 – 96



HW # 6 Saturday Rock Creek Class


1.7:  103 – 105

Chapter Two Review: Page 158 and 159,  70 – 75, 86 – 96

3.2:  1, 13 – 18, 40

3.2: 43 – 48, do 3 steps:  1) W.O.P  2) Show multiplication.   3)  Show final fraction


3.3:  1, 14, 15 – 42 by 3

3.4:  61 – 64 odd

Test on Saturday, November 9, 2019

  • Add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers and fractions.
  • Order of Operations
  • Applications

Make a practice test by adding the following problems to a sheet of paper.  Take the test with no notes, books, etc.

P. 62: 1 – 4 [Just do part d]

P. 93:  21 – 24

P. 199,200:  1 – 10 [Just do part d]

P. 177:  39

P. 198: 90



HW # 7 Hillsboro Class


3.2:  1, 13 – 18, 40

3.2: 43 – 48, do 3 steps:  1) W.O.P  2) Show multiplication.   3)  Show final fraction


3.3:  1, 14, 15 – 42 by 3

3.4:  61 – 64 odd


Test on November 13, 2019

Topics for the test are:

  • Add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers and fractions.
  • Order of Operations
  • Applications

Make a practice test by adding the following problems to a sheet of paper.  Take the test with no notes, books, etc.

P. 62: 1 – 4 [Just do part d]

P. 93:  21 – 24

P. 199,200:  1 – 10 [Just do part d]

P. 177:  39

P. 198: 90


HW # 7 Saturday Rock Creek Class


3.3:  47 and 48 [Find LCD using prime factors]

4.1:  1,  35 – 38, 45 – 51

4.2:  25 – 27, 35 – 37

4.2:  47 – 50 [See example 4 of how the work is done on the side.]

4.2:  66

4.3:  27 – 37

Please read the following notes and look at examples in 4.4 on dividing decimals.

Dividing Numbers Containing Decimals [pdf]



HW # 8 Hillsboro Class


3.3:  47 and 48 [Find LCD using prime factors]

4.1:  1,  35 – 38, 45 – 51

4.2:  25 – 27, 35 – 37

4.2:  47 – 50 [See example 4 of how the work is done on the side.]

4.2:  66

4.3:  27 – 37



HW # 8 Saturday Rock Creek Class


4.1:  45 – 54 by 3

4.3:  61 – 66

4.4:  33 – 45 by 3

4.4:  51 – 54

4.5:  15 – 24 by 3

4.5:   35 – 37

4.6:  30 , 31

10.4:  1, 9 – 16,  47 – 51,  73 – 77



HW # 9 Hillsboro Class


4.3:  61 – 66

4.4:  33 – 45 by 3

4.4:  51 – 54

4.5:  15 – 24 by 3

4.5:   35 – 37

4.6:  30 , 31

10.4:  1, 9 – 16,  47 – 51,  73 – 77




HW # 9 Saturday Rock Creek Class

  • 10.2:  1, 55 – 60.
  • 10.2:  96 – 100 answer with a complete sentence and units such as $ [$52.55] or degrees [5o F].
  • 10.3:  1b.
  • 10.3:  71 – 81 odd.
  • 10.3:  85, 88, 91
  • 10.4:  57 – 64 :  [Know Thy Base]
  • 10.4:  73 – 85 odd, 115, 117
  • 10.5:  27 – 33 odd, 51, 57 – 59
  • Read 6.1 and 6.2.  Please put Table 6-1 on page 342 in your notes.
  • 6.1:  1 – 13.
  • 6.1:  Note:  Changing percents to fractions can be done by converting percent to a decimal and then use are steps from last week on converting a decimal to a fraction.  Alternatively, the author does it by multiplying by 1/100.
  • 6.1:  15 – 24 by 3,  36 – 45 by 3.
  • 6.2:  Note:  Changing fractions to percents is done by changing fraction to a decimal in steps from last week and then follow procedure to change a decimal to a percent.
  • 6.2:  31 – 39 odd.




HW # 10 Hillsboro Class

  • 10.2:  1, 55 – 60.
  • 10.2:  96 – 100 answer with a complete sentence and units such as $ [$52.55] or degrees [5o F].
  • 10.3:  1b.
  • 10.3:  71 – 81 odd.
  • 10.3:  85, 88, 91
  • 10.4:  57 – 64 :  [Know Thy Base]
  • 10.4:  73 – 85 odd, 115, 117
  • 10.5:  27 – 33 odd, 51, 57 – 59
  • Read 6.1 and 6.2.  Please put Table 6-1 on page 342 in your notes.
  • 6.1:  1 – 13.
  • 6.1:  Note:  Changing percents to fractions can be done by converting percent to a decimal and then use are steps from last week on converting a decimal to a fraction.  Alternatively, the author does it by multiplying by 1/100.
  • 6.1:  15 – 24 by 3,  36 – 45 by 3.
  • 6.2:  Note:  Changing fractions to percents is done by changing fraction to a decimal in steps from last week and then follow procedure to change a decimal to a percent.
  • 6.2:  31 – 39 odd.



HW # 10 Saturday Rock Creek Class


Please make a study guide for the final test.  I will collect these guides and you will receive points.  The guide is made by doing the following:

  1. Copy all of the Vocabulary and Key Concept problems from all homeworks.  These are usually problem 1.
  2. Take one problem from each section of your homework.  Pick one of the more challenging problems.
  3. Write the selected problems or type them on new pieces of paper.
  4. Take this test with no books and no notes and no calculators.


Here are the problems for HW #10.  I will add a few more.

Please look at notes at pcc.edu/staff/wdiss/notes and go down to Ratios and click on document for Ratios, Rates and Proportions.

  • 5.1:   1
  • 5.1:  15 – 24 by 3.
  • 5.2:  1
  • 5.2:  9 – 21 by 3
  • 5.2:  26
  • 5.3:  1
  • 5.3: 9 – 18 by 3.
  • 5.3:  48 – 57 by 3.
  • 5.4:  17, 32, 38.




HW # 11 Hillssboro Class


Please make a study guide for the final test.  The guide is made by doing the following:

  1. Copy all of the Vocabulary and Key Concept problems from all homeworks.  These are usually problem 1.
  2. Take one problem from each section of your homework.  Pick one of the more challenging problems.
  3. Write the selected problems or type them on new pieces of paper.
  4. Take this test with no books and no notes and no calculators.


Here are the problems for HW #10.  I will add a few more.

Please look at notes at pcc.edu/staff/wdiss/notes and go down to Ratios and click on document for Ratios, Rates and Proportions.

  • 5.1:   1
  • 5.1:  15 – 24 by 3.
  • 5.2:  1
  • 5.2:  9 – 21 by 3
  • 5.2:  26
  • 5.3:  1
  • 5.3: 9 – 18 by 3.
  • 5.3:  48 – 57 by 3.
  • 5.4:  17, 32, 38.